java Programming Glossary: someobject
Benefits and drawbacks of method chaining and a possibility to replace all void return parameters by the object itself you can still avoid unnecessary references to the object SomeObject someObject new SomeObject someObject .someOperation .someOtherOperation.. references to the object SomeObject someObject new SomeObject someObject .someOperation .someOtherOperation NB MyVector3d..
Why JSF calls getters multiple times ways to preset load a property. public class Bean private SomeObject someProperty @PostConstruct public void init In @PostConstruct.. . someProperty loadSomeProperty return outcome public SomeObject getSomeProperty Just keep getter untouched. It isn't intented.. load and assign it to the property else return it. public SomeObject getSomeProperty If there are really no other ways introduce..
java error: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException trying to access invoke it using the dot . operator. E.g. SomeObject someObject null someObject.doSomething NullPointerException... either instantiating it if someObject null someObject new SomeObject someObject.doSomething No NPE more ... or by simply doing a..
Whats up with static memory in java? for all other objects public class Example public static SomeObject someO new SomeObject Is the static object put into static.. public class Example public static SomeObject someO new SomeObject Is the static object put into static memory at this point..
Why are local variables not initialized in Java? problem you link to seems to be describing this situation SomeObject so try Do some work here ... so new SomeObject so.DoUsefulThings.. situation SomeObject so try Do some work here ... so new SomeObject so.DoUsefulThings finally so.CleanUp Compiler error here The.. code probably something like this Do some work here ... SomeObject so new SomeObject try so.DoUsefulThings finally so.CleanUp The..
Decorator Pattern for IO ois new ObjectInputStream gis Now we can finally use it SomeObject someObject SomeObject ois.readObject ... The benefit is that.. gis Now we can finally use it SomeObject someObject SomeObject ois.readObject ... The benefit is that you have pretty plenty..
Any way to Invoke a private method? method String objectName node.getAttribute object if SomeObject .equals objectName object someObject else object this method..
Benefits and drawbacks of method chaining and a possibility to replace all void return parameters by the object itself avoid unnecessary references to the object SomeObject someObject new SomeObject someObject .someOperation .someOtherOperation.. to the object SomeObject someObject new SomeObject someObject .someOperation .someOtherOperation NB MyVector3d is not being..
Does Java casting introduce overhead? Why? case you must explicitly use casting like that Object o someObject String s String o explicit casting In this second case there..
Unresponsive threading involving Swing and AWT-EventQueue but fundamentally it's something like this synchronized someObject code block 1 SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait handler code block.. of handler and that event's processing requires locking someObject . How can we avoid this problem You can't relinquish one of.. the block make your call and open it again synchronized someObject code block 1 SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait handler synchronized..
How to get the fields in an Object via reflection? You can use Field#get to get the value. In short Object someObject getItSomehow for Field field someObject.getClass .getDeclaredFields.. In short Object someObject getItSomehow for Field field someObject.getClass .getDeclaredFields field.setAccessible true You might.. to set modifier to public first. Object value field.get someObject if value null System.out.println field.getName value To learn..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? launching the activity DataHolder.getInstance .save someId someObject From the launched activity DataHolder.getInstance .retrieve..
Decorator Pattern for IO ObjectInputStream gis Now we can finally use it SomeObject someObject SomeObject ois.readObject ... The benefit is that you have pretty..
Any way to Invoke a private method? object if SomeObject .equals objectName object someObject else object this method object.getClass .getMethod methodName..
How to use wait and notify in Java? you need to synchronize on the same object. synchronized someObject someObject.wait different thread object synchronized someObject.. to synchronize on the same object. synchronized someObject someObject.wait different thread object synchronized someObject someObject.notify..