java Programming Glossary: since
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? is branch prediction. I admit it's not the best analogy since the train could just signal the direction with a flag. But in.. statement. This is very friendly to the branch predictor since the branch consecutively goes the same direction many times...
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android For pure Java applications this should be of little use since the Java heap limit is there in part to avoid one app from being.. often less than the actual physical RAM of the device since some of that RAM is needed for the radio DMA buffers etc . MemFree.. typically on an Android system this would be only a few MB since we try to use available memory to keep processes running Cached..
How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? would do with getParameter . Also normal form fields are since Servlet 3.0 available by getParameter the usual way. First annotate..
What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it? just List instead. However there is a major difference since a List E defines only add E you can't add just any arbitrary.. just any arbitrary object to a List . On the other hand since the raw type List does not have type safety you can add just..
What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it? classes explicitly declare serialVersionUID values since the default serialVersionUID computation is highly sensitive.. declarations use the private modifier where possible since such declarations apply only to the immediately declaring class..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? question and the names of all answerers I am using XPath since without it the code needed to gather the information of interest..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? those things in JSP is indeed highly discouraged since the birth of taglibs like JSTL and EL Expression Language those..
When to use LinkedList<> over ArrayList<>? E add E element is O 1 amortized but O n worst case since the array must be resized and copied add int index E element.. different. Each element of a LinkedList has more overhead since pointers to the next and previous elements are also stored... of an ArrayList is pretty small 10 from Java 1.4 1.7 . But since the underlying implementation is an array the array must be..
Design Patterns web based applications explanation I'll restrict myself to request based MVC since that's easier to implement. Front Controller pattern Mediator..
Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 page as both from outcome and to view id can be removed since this will be implicitly done. This can be gradually done by.. it would then be impossible to write a reliable answer since it basically boils down to it depends . In general it's sufficient..
How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java? Do not print for the first time during your timing phase since printing loads and initializes classes. Do not load new classes..
When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components? issues with assigning default values this is already fixed since 2.1.13. When using Mojarra do not forget to disable the relatively..
How to best position Swing GUIs represents 'the path of least surprise' for the end user since it is how the OS might position 3 instances of the default plain..
How to sort a Map<Key, Value> on the values in Java? and often find that I need to sort a Map on the values. Since the values are not unique I find myself converting the keySet..
JComponents not showing up with picture background? BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.BLACK 5 try Since Images are Application Resources it's always best to access..
Resizing issue with canvas within jscrollpane within jsplitpane jTextField1 jSplitPane1.setRightComponent jTextField1 Since this is my first question I'm not allowed to embed an image..
Java OCR implementation originally developed it and I have a blog posting on it . Since I put it up on sourceforge its functionality been expanded and..
Questions about Java's String pool that contains a copy of the content of the pooled object. Since String is immutable in Java you're not gaining anything by doing..
What is a Null Pointer Exception? because the type is Integer which is a reference type . Since you did not say as yet what to point to Java sets it to null..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android external library to its build path was working fine. Since having added the scoreninja jar I now get a NoClassDefFoundError..
non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context the color and you can give this specific instance a color. Since these attributes are specific they are non static. Static fields..
What is the reason behind “non-static method cannot be referenced from a static context”? question You can't call something that doesn't exist. Since you haven't created an object the non static method doesn't..
Java Process with Input/Output Stream the process and not return until it has this next line. Since you're sending two lines of input to the process before reaching..
What is the purpose of the expression “new String(…)” in Java? and have no idea what the purpose or effect would be. Since String constants typically get stored in the constant pool and..
Differences between HashMap and Hashtable? . This wouldn't be as easy if you were using Hashtable . Since synchronization is not an issue for you I'd recommend HashMap..
How to use Servlets and Ajax? and update the HTML DOM tree based on the response data. Since it's pretty a tedious work to make it to work across all browsers.. this in single functions like jQuery Prototype Mootools . Since jQuery is the most popular here's a basic kickoff example based..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] java android graph share improve this question UPDATE Since this question was asked a few very nice open source native libraries..
Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0 [closed] application for which the underlying transport had broken. Since then we have used C3P0 in 4 major heavy load consumer web apps..
Creating a memory leak with Java applications that happen to use ThreadLocals in any way. Since the application container uses Threads as described and each..
How to best position Swing GUIs waiting for them to disappear and the real GUI to appear Since Java 1.5 we've had access to Window.setLocationByPlatform boolean..
JAR Bundler using OSXAdapter causing application to lag or terminate void addRow String name model.addRow new Object name Since I'm developing for OS X and I need to be able to associate my.. application. Apparently this is just Java on OS X works. Since I need to be able to see what file was double clicked I'm using..