java Programming Glossary: simplecursoradapter
Class members in Fragment become null after Home button press and wait ListView lvYellowPages TextView tvInfo SimpleCursorAdapter scAdapter @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater..
Using MatrixCursor and SimpleCursorAdapter in a ListView with text and images MatrixCursor and SimpleCursorAdapter in a ListView with text and images I'm having an issue using.. Object R.drawable.chicken_sandwich Chicken Sandwich 3.99 SimpleCursorAdapter menuItems new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.menu_row menuCursor.. Chicken Sandwich 3.99 SimpleCursorAdapter menuItems new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.menu_row menuCursor menuCols to setListAdapter..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) isn't that much of a problem I already did it in my custom SimpleCursorAdapter but I can't sort the data because i don't have the distance..
Android: compass + distance in a listview your own Adapter most likely in this case by extending SimpleCursorAdapter and encapsulating the updates to distance text and compass heading..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code in the decompiled code. Where is it Foe example I see new SimpleCursorAdapter localActivity 2130903058 localCursor arrayOfString arrayOfInt..
ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter? still concerned about efficiency then take a look at the SimpleCursorAdapter implementation which uses a WeakHashMap a map of WeakReferences..
AsyncTask keeps waiting? that updates the underlying Cursor for a ListView's SimpleCursorAdapter. Everytime I click the button a new thread for the AsyncTask.. Reset wod_id _wod_id 1 Update the underlying SimpleCursorAdapter upAdapter new updateAdapter .execute Stacktrace of one of the..
How to transition from managedQuery to LoaderManager/CursorLoader? a ContentProvider and that's simple enough and I'm using SimpleCursorAdapter to fill out my list view but I noticed in the documentation.. out my list view but I noticed in the documentation for SimpleCursorAdapter that the flagless constructor is deprecated with the following.. Fragments or should I just revert back to the deprecated SimpleCursorAdapter constructor but make use of an AsyncTask to keep it UI thread..
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number fields new String ContactsContract.Data.DISPLAY_NAME SimpleCursorAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.contact_entry.. SimpleCursorAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.contact_entry cursor fields new int