

java Programming Glossary: should've

Difference between Inheritance and Composition


be allowed to insert and remove elements arbitrarily. It should've been composition instead. Unfortunately it's too late to rectify..

post increment operator java


is similar to temp j j j 1 j temp But a b makes b 1. So it should've evaluated like this a b b b 1 By following the same logic shouldn't.. here's where you got it wrong But a b makes b 1 . So it should've evaluated like this a b assign b b 1 then increment WRONG You're..

How come invoking a (static) method on a null reference doesn't throw NullPointerException?


should ONLY be accessed via a type expression. That is you should've written it as follows Why.test always invoke static method on..

Java - declaring from Interface type instead of Class


A great example in the library of where an interface should've been used but unfortunately wasn't can also be found in Matcher..

java: what is this: [Ljava.lang.Object;?


on the returned Class object. Ideally though the API should've been designed such that reflection is not necessary see Effective..

JUnit 4: Set up things in a test suite before tests are run (like a test's @BeforeClass method, just for a test suite)


RuleTest @Test public void asdf1 assertNotNull A value should've been set by a rule. RuleSuite.sss @Test public void asdf2 assertEquals..

Why doesn't a missing annotation cause a ClassNotFoundException at runtime?


things like javax.annotation.Nonnull which seems like it should've been @Retention CLASS anyway but for many other annotations..

Understanding the need for a DI framework


to get the sawMill bean from the context the sawMill bean should've been injected into your object class A by the DI framework...