java Programming Glossary: shortest
easy and fast JTree Cell Editor There is no way around a custom editor and it is the shortest solution possible Additionally you'll need some means in the..
Arcane isPrime method in Java . The second half in simple English says Match the shortest string whose length is at least 2 for example 11 2 . Now see.. 8 match And so on. If not then try it again for the next shortest string 111 3 . Etc. You can now see how if the original string.. greedy operator is what makes the algorithm start from the shortest and count up. Efficiency It's interesting but certainly not..
Why does Java switch on ordinal ints appear to run faster with added cases? the tests both in order from longest switch statement to shortest and vice versa to try and eliminate the possibility of ordering..
Shortest path (fewest nodes) for unweighted graph graph I'm trying build a method which returns the shortest path from one node to another in an unweighted graph. I considered.. reach destination return directions java algorithm graph shortest path breadth first search share improve this question Actually..
Java Iterator backed by a ResultSet that you acquire Connection Statement and ResultSet in the shortest possible scope. The normal practice is also that you map multiple..
How to find a good/optimal dictionary for zlib 'setDictionary' when processing a given set of data? into the dictionary. For example if k is the length of the shortest substring that can be compressed usually 3 k or 2 k then make..
java: shortest way to pretty print to stdout a org.w3c.dom.Document shortest way to pretty print to stdout a org.w3c.dom.Document What is..
Reusing a PreparedStatement multiple times acquire and close the connection and the statement in the shortest possible scope inside the same method block according the normal..
Most idiomatic way to print a time difference in Java? API's Date Time objects In other words what is the shortest simplest no nonsense way to write a time format derived from..
Why is “else” rarely used after “if x then return”?
Count occurences of words in ArrayList [duplicate] this question If you haven't big Strings list the shortest way to implement is using Collections.frequency method List..
How often should Statement and ResultSet objects be closed in JDBC? mandatory. You need to acquire and close them in the shortest possible scope to avoid resource leaking and transactional problems...
Clearest way to comma-delimit a list (Java)? what the best way is where best means clearest and or shortest not most efficient . The problem as a story I have a list. I..
Graph database for .NET .NET Mono framework which should make an heavy use of the shortest path in a graph theories and I would like to use a native solution..
When my app loses connection, how should I try to recover? leaked. You should acquire and close the connection in the shortest possible scope . I.e. in the very same try block as where you're.. You still need to acquire and close the connection in the shortest possible scope. The connection pool will by itself worry about..
Is it safe to use a static java.sql.Connection instance in a multithreaded system? and close the connection statement and resultset in the shortest possible scope preferably inside the very same try finally block..