java Programming Glossary: shuffle
best way to pick a random subset from a collection? clever solution Vector itemsVector getItems Collections.shuffle itemsVector itemsVector.setSize 5 While this has the advantage.. suspect it's not going to scale very well i.e. Collections.shuffle must be O n at least. My less clever alternative is Vector itemsVector.. think the code shown works correctly. Rather than randomly shuffle all the items you can do the random shuffle only shuffling the..
Random shuffling of an array shuffling of an array I need to randomly shuffle the following Array in Android int solutionArray 1 2 3 4 5 6.. share improve this question Using Collections to shuffle an array of primitive types is a bit of an overkill... It is.. the function yourself using for example the Fisher “Yates shuffle import java.util. class Test public static void main String..
Java's Collections.shuffle is doing what? Collections.shuffle is doing what I recently found myself needing to be sure my.. my mind. I looked at my Java API and it tells me its shuffle method does this Randomly permutes the specified list using.. which math concepts are being used here java collections shuffle share improve this question Yes you can look at the code..
How to shuffle characters in a string to shuffle characters in a string How do I shuffle the characters in a.. to shuffle characters in a string How do I shuffle the characters in a string e.g. hello could be ehlol or lleoh.. or lleoh or ... . I don't want to use the Collections.shuffle ... method is there anything simpler java share improve this..
Collections shuffle() shuffle Maybe it is a silly quetion but Why does not my code work package.. new int 10 for int i 0 i arr.length i arr i i Collections.shuffle Arrays.asList arr for int i 0 i arr.length i System.out.print.. list of int s instead of list of Integer s. Therefore you shuffle a newly created list of int . This is a subtle behaviour of..
Creating random numbers with no duplicates a list of the possible numbers 1..20 or whatever and then shuffle them with Collections.shuffle . Then just take however many.. 1..20 or whatever and then shuffle them with Collections.shuffle . Then just take however many elements you want. This is great..
Non repeating random numbers of the sites as well...but i am stuck in between..can we shuffle the VALUES and get it done.. but i dont know how that could.. java random share improve this question Fisher yates shuffle algorithm is the way to go. Its efficient for shuffling. and.. shuffling. and it works in linear time. here is algo To shuffle an array a of n elements for i from n 1 downto 1 do j random..
Fastest way to iterate over all the chars in a String tests are done 1 000 times per string size The tests are shuffled into random order each time. In other words the tests are done.. return chars.length Make a list of tests. We will shuffle a copy of this list repeatedly while we repeat this test. @param.. Jobber copy new ArrayList tests while tries 0 Collections.shuffle copy random for Jobber ti copy check to make sure..
Generate unique random numbers in Java question Make a LinkedList of the numbers from 1 500 and shuffle one out of them each time you use a number using The Fisher.. of them each time you use a number using The Fisher Yates shuffle . This will give you guaranteed sane constant time performance..