java Programming Glossary: shorter
Timer & TimerTask versus Thread + sleep in Java feature implemented. Note that it can be written in a shorter form as well as your own example Timer uploadCheckerTimer new..
StringBuilder vs String concatenation in toString() in Java this question Version 1 is preferable because it is shorter and the compiler will in fact turn it into version 2 no performance..
Floating point arithmetic not producing exact results in Java article which you may find easier to read and certainly shorter. The differences between Java and .NET are mostly irrelevant..
AES gets different results in iOS and Java with zeros Arrays.fill keyBytes byte 0x0 if password is shorter then key length it will be zero padded to key length byte passwordBytes..
How do I measure time elapsed in Java? [duplicate] code just better than incorrect code Besides nanoTime is shorter to type anyway. Previously posted disclaimers about nanoTime..
Static String constants VS enum in Java 5+ constants that this belong to the instance name is usually shorter that the constant name strong typing already discriminated from..
:: (double colon) operator in Java 8 Since Java 8 it is allowed to do the same thing in a much shorter way reduce int left int right Math.max left right How does this..
How do I keep a user logged into my site for months? With regard to sessions you don't need it here. It has a shorter lifetime than you need. Only use it to put the logged in user..
Is concatenating with an empty string to do a string conversion really that bad? c1 c2 suggests something is special about c1 It's shorter. Is there really a good argument why String.valueOf or Character.toString..
Java Array, Finding Duplicates is anything like random you can return true WHP for a much shorter list. What's the moral In the limit the most efficient implementation..
How to parse dates in multiple formats using SimpleDateFormat of pattern letters is the minimum number of digits and shorter numbers are zero padded to this amount. For parsing the number..
Primitive type 'short' - casting in Java is performed on operands of type int if necessary shorter operands are converted into int . The conversion rules are exactly..
Apache Commons equals/hashCode builder else return false As you can see the Guava version is shorter and avoids superfluous helper objects. In case of equals it..
Very Large Numbers in Java Without using java.math.BigInteger The Math.max is needed here for the first shorter block. We now use the usual Integer parsing function and put..
Best way to convert an ArrayList to a string be better performing as the inside of the for loop is shorter and there is no need to instantiate a StringBuilder on each..
How to generate a regular expression at runtime to match a numeric range upper limit of different lengths. If the from number is shorter than the to number it is fairly straight forward. Assume for..
How get the base URL? us a li You can if necessary use c set tag to make it yet shorter. Put it somewhere in the master template it'll be available..
Is it better practice to use String.format over string Concatenation in Java? in an extra s or missing one out. String.format is also shorter. Which one is more readable depends on how your head works...