java Programming Glossary: role
Java Bouncing Ball of the ball pane. This means you've taken over the role as the layout manager... You need to randomize the speed and..
How slow are Java exceptions? between two integers. The size of the number plays no role. AND on 32 BIT always ANDs all 32 bits if i 0x1 1 throw new..
Hibernate: different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session [duplicate] groups new ArrayList GroupBean private List RoleBean roles new ArrayList RoleBean public class GroupBean private List.. RoleBean public class GroupBean private List RoleBean roles new ArrayList RoleBean every groupbean has a list of roles.. roles new ArrayList RoleBean every groupbean has a list of roles which are not changed. in database group and role is many to..
Java EE 6: How to implement “Stay Logged In” when user login in to the web application web resource collection auth constraint description role name STUDENT role name role name ADMINISTRATOR role name auth.. collection auth constraint description role name STUDENT role name role name ADMINISTRATOR role name auth constraint security.. auth constraint description role name STUDENT role name role name ADMINISTRATOR role name auth constraint security constraint..
Java inner class and static nested class nested class in Java Does design implementation play a role in choosing any of these java inner classes share improve..
how to make a composite primary key (java persistence annotation) FetchType.LAZY @JoinTable name user_roles public List RoleDAO getRoles return roles @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO.. @JoinTable name user_roles public List RoleDAO getRoles return roles @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO.. strategy GenerationType.AUTO public Integer getRoleID return roleID thank you MORE INFO so there is a third table..
What is the correct way of overriding hashCode () and equals () methods of persistent entity? equals methods of persistent entity I have a simple class Role @Entity @Table name ROLE public class Role implements Serializable.. a simple class Role @Entity @Table name ROLE public class Role implements Serializable @Id @GeneratedValue private Integer.. private Integer id @Column private String roleName public Role public Role String roleName this.roleName roleName public void..
dynamic roles on a Java EE server will be loaded and associated with the principal isUserInRole for the web and isCallerInRole for the EJB need to be specified.. with the principal isUserInRole for the web and isCallerInRole for the EJB need to be specified in web.xml or ejb.xml which.. ourselves. I would however strongly suggest to stick to a Role based access control RBAC and not implement something more fancy...
Writing an authorization filter for my web app(JSF 2.0) import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession import entities.Role public class RestrictPageFilter implements Filter FilterConfig.. true String pageRequested req.getRequestURL .toString Role currentUser Role session.getAttribute userRole Pages that are.. pageRequested req.getRequestURL .toString Role currentUser Role session.getAttribute userRole Pages that are allowed with no..
What is the use of creating a class inside interface and interface inside class May be that can help you a bit. 1 interface employee class Role public String rolename public int roleId Role getRole other.. class Role public String rolename public int roleId Role getRole other methods In the above interface you are binding.. Role public String rolename public int roleId Role getRole other methods In the above interface you are binding the Role..
Glassfish 3.1 default principal to role mapping Configuration server config security Default Principal To Role Mapping My question is why I need to tick this Default Principal.. question is why I need to tick this Default Principal to Role Mapping And how I can change my web.xml to avoid to tick it..
Should I use composite primary keys or not? Actor Id Name Email Movie Id Name Year Character Id Name Role Actor Movie Character Here Actor Movie and Character obviously.. benefit from having an Id column as the primary key. But Role is a Many To Many join table. I see no point in creating an..