

java Programming Glossary: root.add

Get Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener


new BorderLayout root new DefaultMutableTreeNode Nodes root.add new DefaultMutableTreeNode new Resource one root.add new DefaultMutableTreeNode.. Nodes root.add new DefaultMutableTreeNode new Resource one root.add new DefaultMutableTreeNode new Resource two root.add new DefaultMutableTreeNode.. one root.add new DefaultMutableTreeNode new Resource two root.add new DefaultMutableTreeNode new Resource three final DefaultTreeModel..

easy and fast JTree Cell Editor


new GridLayout root new DefaultMutableTreeNode Nodes root.add new MyResourceNode new Resource one first root.add new MyResourceNode.. Nodes root.add new MyResourceNode new Resource one first root.add new MyResourceNode new Resource two first tree new JTree root..

JTree: Set custom open/closed icons for individual groups


CustomTreeNode new ImageIcon images Circle_2.gif employee root.add boss if employee.isBoss for Employee employee1 employee.employees..

Jtable as a Jtree Node


root new DefaultMutableTreeNode root root.add A root.add B root.add C tree new JTree root tree.setCellRenderer.. root new DefaultMutableTreeNode root root.add A root.add B root.add C tree new JTree root tree.setCellRenderer new MyTableInTreeCellRenderer.. root new DefaultMutableTreeNode root root.add A root.add B root.add C tree new JTree root tree.setCellRenderer new MyTableInTreeCellRenderer..

Put JTable in the JTree


root new DefaultMutableTreeNode root root.add A root.add B root.add C tree new JTree root tree.setCellRenderer.. root new DefaultMutableTreeNode root root.add A root.add B root.add C tree new JTree root tree.setCellRenderer new MyTableInTreeCellRenderer.. root new DefaultMutableTreeNode root root.add A root.add B root.add C tree new JTree root tree.setCellRenderer new MyTableInTreeCellRenderer..