java Programming Glossary: risk
what is string interning? it out from the heap into the permanent generation and you risk running out of PermGen space. From http
Easiest way to upgrade eclipse 3.7 to 4.2 (Juno) you but my development environment is too important to risk upgrading. Always create a new Eclipse directory and new Eclipse..
Java Best Practices to Prevent Cross Site Scripting the database. That's only maintenance trouble and you will risk double escapes or more when you do it at different places e.g...
Looking for a Java User Agent String Parser [closed] then you can use the OnlineUserAgentStringParser with the risk that the implementation doesn't fit to run with the automatically..
Class with single method — best approach? static methods. True utility classes that do not pose any risk to bloat are excellent cases for static methods System.Convert..
Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS well and won't be harmful of it to end user. Indeed the risk you take should be considered carefully including the effect..
XSS prevention in Java response processing as you do in JSP but this way you may risk that the data unnecessarily get double escaped or that the DB..
Windows: how to get a list of all visible windows? returns a consistent view of the window state. You risk getting inconsistent information such as reporting on deleted..
What's the right way to represent phone numbers? shouldn't use int too small float or double too much risk of data loss long or BigInteger could be appropriate aside from..
Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability This however doesn't explicitly test port 80. You risk to get false negatives due to a Firewall blocking other ports...
Swing: link toggle buttons together with a button group, along with corresponding menu items type setting code. In either situation I also run the risk of the menu setting a button which sets a menu item which sets..
How can I protect MySQL username and password from decompiling? your binaries so decompilation will not pose a security risk. Important Note The preference files are just plain text XML.. and read the login credentials but that is not a security risk because the user knew the credentials to begin with. Second.. stored locally in a preferences file without any security risk. This is called a three tier architecture the tiers being your..
Sandbox against malicious code in a Java application top of my head. But anyway some imperfect use at your own risk probably buggy pseudo code ClassLoader class MyClassLoader extends..
How to get SQL from Hibernate Criteria API (*not* for logging)
Play Framework 1.2: How to add custom module dependencies do something wrong with the local repository settings you risk deleting your project completely when running play deps . Yes..
Why is it “Easier to ask forgiveness than permission” in python, but not in Java? [closed] NPEs as part of normal control flow there is a significant risk that your code will catch the wrong NPEs and thereby obscure..
How to query XML using namespaces in Java with XPath? name 'sheets' local name 'sheet' 1 However you run the risk of matching the wrong elements. If your XML has mixed vocabularies..
Synchronizing on an Integer value [duplicate] when they want to use different locks. You can fix this risk by using the locks.putIfAbsent id new Object version and thus..