java Programming Glossary: rl
Android color picker to be included in the activity DrawingView dv RelativeLayout rl private Paint mPaint private MaskFilter mEmboss private MaskFilter.. Paint.Cap.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeWidth 12 rl RelativeLayout findViewById rl.addView dv Button b Button.. 12 rl RelativeLayout findViewById rl.addView dv Button b Button findViewById b.setText..
Take screensot and save android android layout_height match_parent android id @ id rl tools context .Preview ImageView android id @ id imageView1.. android layout_height match_parent android id @ id rl tools context .MainActivity Button android id @ id button1 android.. public class MainActivity extends Activity RelativeLayout rl final int PIC_CROP 1 ImageView iv File file @Override protected..
Pinch Zoom and Pan inflater.inflate R.layout.motor_block null RelativeLayout rl RelativeLayout findViewById rl.addView iv This works.. RelativeLayout rl RelativeLayout findViewById rl.addView iv This works fine but when I add more Views the screen.. want to add zoom. I tried to use a WebView RelativeLayout rl RelativeLayout findViewById WebView wv WebView findViewById..
how can i select and kill multiple application for int i 0 i adapter.getCount i RelativeLayout rl RelativeLayout lv.getChildAt i TaskObject to adapter.getItem.. i TaskObject to adapter.getItem i CheckBox cb CheckBox rl.getChildAt 0 if to.isToKill tol.add to return tol @Override.. inflater.inflate R.layout.taskitem null RelativeLayout rl new RelativeLayout context TextView textPid new TextView context..