

java Programming Glossary: robot.createscreencapture

How do I flip an image horizontally flip with glReadPixels() Bufferedimage and out put with ImageIO?


@Override public void run final BufferedImage bi robot.createScreenCapture new Rectangle 0 360 200 100 new Test001 bi SwingUtilities.invokeLater..

cannot instantiate a class using a button


String args ... Robot robot new Robot BufferedImage image robot.createScreenCapture screenRectangle ImageIO.write image png new File filename System.out.println.. e And try code causing IOException BufferedImage image robot.createScreenCapture screenRectangle catch IOException e System.out.println Error.. or IOException Robot robot new Robot BufferedImage image robot.createScreenCapture screenRectangle catch IOException e System.out.println Error..

How to transmit live video from within a Java application?


grab the screenshot BufferedImage image robot.createScreenCapture new Rectangle x y width height convert it for Xuggler BufferedImage..

Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics


task of drawing I've replaced robot.getPixelColor ... with robot.createScreenCapture ... to fetch all 64 pixels at once rather than one at a time.. new Rectangle p.x 4 p.y 4 8 8 final BufferedImage capture robot.createScreenCapture rect for int x 0 x 8 x for int y 0 y 8 y final Color pixelColor..

Copy BufferedImage to clipboard


Rectangle screen new Rectangle screenSize BufferedImage i robot.createScreenCapture screen TransferableImage trans new TransferableImage i Clipboard..