java Programming Glossary: response1
java: how to both read and write to & from process thru pipe (stdin/stdout) out.write Some Text n n out.flush line inp.readLine print response1 line that's ok out.write Second Line... n out.flush line inp.readLine.. Aaaaa nBbbbbb nCcccc n out.flush line inp.readLine print response1 line line inp.readLine print response2 line line inp.readLine.. line line inp.readLine print response4 line output response1 AAAAA response2 response3 bbbbbb response4 the process being..
Using Apache httpclient for https https HttpGet httpget1 new HttpGet random 100 HttpResponse response1 httpclient.execute target1 httpget1 System.err.println response1.getStatusLine.. httpclient.execute target1 httpget1 System.err.println response1.getStatusLine HttpEntity entity1 response1.getEntity EntityUtils.consume.. response1.getStatusLine HttpEntity entity1 response1.getEntity EntityUtils.consume entity1 HttpHost target2 new HttpHost..
Setting Security cookie using RestTemplate HttpEntity entity new HttpEntity input ResponseEntity response1 rest.postForEntity https XXXXXXXXX entity OutputBean.class I..
How to handle the session in HttpClient 4.1 ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE cookieStore ... HttpResponse response1 httpClient.execute method1 httpContext ... HttpResponse response2..
how to maintain variable cookies and sessions with jsoup? connection1.cookie cookie.getKey cookie.getValue Response response1 connection1.execute cookies.putAll response1.cookies Document.. Response response1 connection1.execute cookies.putAll response1.cookies Document document1 response1.parse ... Second request... cookies.putAll response1.cookies Document document1 response1.parse ... Second request. Connection connection2 Jsoup.connect..