

java Programming Glossary: resulting

Facebook offline access step-by-step


login_success.html 3 copy the code parameter from the resulting url's query string use that in https graph.facebook.com oauth.. And copy the right hand side of access_token in the resulting page's text which will be in the structure of APP_ID HEXNUM..

How to compare two Dates without the time portion?


of hour minute second and millisecond to 0 and compare the resulting times. Definitely icky compared with the Joda solution though..

how binding attribute in JSF works


components are shared among multiple views possibly resulting in duplicate component ID errors. Also note that using binding..

How to discover memory usage of my application in Android


and my questions of those few people about them often resulting in conflicting explanations MemTotal 395144 kB MemFree 184936..

Setting user agent of a java URLConnection


10.4 en US rv Gecko 20100316 Firefox 3.6.2 But the resulting user agent is the one I specify with Java 1.5.0_19 appended..

Is there a performance difference between a for loop and a for-each loop?


by hiding the iterator or index variable completely. The resulting idiom applies equally to collections and arrays The preferred..

Scanning Java annotations at runtime


It then applies exclude and include filters to the resulting classes to find candidates. ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider..

Is there a way to split strings with String.split() and include the delimiters?


method discards the delimiter characters from the resulting array. Is there a way to split a string like the W regex pattern..

Java Integer division: How do you produce a double?


the least significant bits of the value. In this case the resulting floating point value will be a correctly rounded version of..

How to stop a java thread gracefully?


objects become visible to other threads potentially resulting in arbitrary behavior. That's why you should have a guard....

Switch Statement with Strings in Java


time into more complex code following a pattern. The resulting code uses JVM instructions that have always existed. A switch.. hash codes to find the original position of the case. The resulting ordinal is a natural fit for a tableswitch . Both instructions..

If profiler is not the answer, what other choices do we have?


a series of performance problems were identified and fixed resulting in a compounded speedup of 43 times. It was not essential to..

How to parse XML using the SAX parser


on here we actually parse the InputStream and return the resulting Channel object. try Xml.parse is Xml.Encoding.UTF_8 root.getContentHandler..

Cut out image in shape of text


photo of a cat and this is the text I wish to cut out The resulting image would be this The text image will always be black with.. will always be black with a transparent background and the resulting cut out should too have a transparent background. Both input..

How a AST for an object oriented programming language would look like?


tree or parse tree . The concrete syntax tree is the tree resulting from the productions in the grammar used to parse the file...

Android java.lang.VerifyError?


Scanner vs. StringTokenizer vs. String.Split


essentially all that they do. If you want to parse the resulting strings or change the delimiter halfway through depending on..

When I do query from solr, it occurred a common exception telling me that undefined field userId


coreName1 new HttpSolrServer baseUrl coreName1 ... Resulting code changes String queryExpression String sortField createTime..

Java/JAXB: Unmarshall XML attributes to specific Java object attributes


value name compatibility yes value section configuration Resulting Java Objects should be public class DefaultOptions private int..

How could I read Java Console Output into a String buffer


System.out.println Log for System.err n lpsErr.buf Resulting output hello 5 Some error Log for System.out hello 5 Log for..

Drag and drop differences between JDK1.6 and JDK1.7


JComponent comp DataFlavor transferFlavors return true Resulting output on JDK 1.7.01 File list flavor file_list URI list flavor.. file_list URI list flavor uri_list http www.google.com Resulting output on JDK1.6.0.18 URI list flavor uri_list http www.google.com..

AffineTransform truncates image, what do I wrong?


image image.getColorModel System.out.println Resulting width transformedImage.getWidth System.out.println Resulting.. width transformedImage.getWidth System.out.println Resulting height transformedImage.getHeight transformedImage opRotated.filter.. output is accordingly Input width 2156 Input height 1728 Resulting width 1942 Resulting height 1942 How comes that the rotation..