

java Programming Glossary: response

How to use java.net.URLConnection to fire and handle HTTP requests?


Accept Charset charset InputStream response connection.getInputStream ... Any query string should be concatenated.. even use the URL#openStream shortcut method. InputStream response new URL url .openStream ... Either way if the other side is.. try output.close catch IOException logOrIgnore InputStream response connection.getInputStream ... Note whenever you'd like to submit..

How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files?


void doFilter ServletRequest request ServletResponse response FilterChain chain throws ServletException IOException if HttpServletRequest.. .getSession .getAttribute user null HttpServletResponse response .sendRedirect login Not logged in redirect to login page. else.. in redirect to login page. else chain.doFilter request response Logged in just continue request. When mapped on an appropriate..

Dynamic Graphics Object Painting In Java


5 int yyLoc yy 10 5 g.drawLine xLoc yLoc xxLoc yyLoc Edit Response for Andrew import java.awt. import java.awt.image.BufferedImage..

Working Soap client example


SAAJ is mainly used for dealing directly with SOAP Request Response messages which happens behind the scenes in any Web Service.. emailverify Emailvernotestemail.asmx SOAPMessage soapResponse soapConnection.call createSOAPRequest url print SOAP Response.. soapConnection.call createSOAPRequest url print SOAP Response System.out.print Response SOAP Message soapResponse.writeTo..

Library for OAuth Provider (Java) [closed]


How to read XML using XPath in Java


your question to be how to use the API in Java . Edit Response to comment This XPath expression will get you the text of the..

How do you create an asynchronous HTTP request in JAVA?


Executors.newFixedThreadPool 1 Fire a request. Future Response response executor.submit new Request new URL http google.com.. of your app. executor.shutdown wherein Request and Response look like follows public class Request implements Callable Response.. look like follows public class Request implements Callable Response private URL url public Request URL url this.url url @Override..

How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files?


E.g. public void doFilter ServletRequest request ServletResponse response FilterChain chain throws ServletException IOException.. request .getSession .getAttribute user null HttpServletResponse response .sendRedirect login Not logged in redirect to login.. protected void doGet HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse response throws ServletException IOException try List Product..

Http Basic Authentication in Java using HttpClient?


post System.out.println status n post.getResponseBodyAsString finally release any connection resources used.. org.apache.http.HttpEntity import org.apache.http.HttpResponse import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials.. executing request httppost.getRequestLine HttpResponse response response httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity entity..

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target


byte rply stream2Bytes is if ps null ps.println Response n new String rply os.close is.close connection.disconnect return..

Android, Java: HTTP POST Request


48 id username num password remember on output xml The XML Response that i will be getting is xml version 1.0 encoding ISO 8859.. nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost catch ClientProtocolException..

Why do you have to call URLConnection#getInputStream to be able to write out to URLConnection#getOutputStream?


to mean that the methods are designed around a Request Response model and make the assumption that is how they will be used...

How do I use the Jersey JSON POJO support?


resource @GET @Consumes MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON public Response doWork Person person do work return Response.ok .build share..

XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM


e throw new IllegalStateException e String composedResponse api_key URLEncoder.encode apiKey utf 8 call_id callId method.. sig URLEncoder.encode sig utf 8 Log.d COMPOSED composedResponse response composedResponse.getBytes utf 8 String authenticationText.. utf 8 Log.d COMPOSED composedResponse response composedResponse.getBytes utf 8 String authenticationText if response null ..

Android REST client, Sample?


public void getUserProfile String userName final GetResponseCallback callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile.. onTaskComplete String response Profile profile Utils.parseResponseAsProfile response callback.onDataReceived profile .execute.. for the GET call is available. public abstract class GetResponseCallback Called when the response data for the REST call is..

How can I put axis on a .png file in java?


@see http stackoverflow.com q 9843451 230513 public class ResponseTime private static final int N 600 private static final String.. static final int N 600 private static final String title ResponseTime private static final Random random new Random private static.. ChartFactory.createXYLineChart title Elapsed Time secs Response Time secs createDataset PlotOrientation.VERTICAL true true..