

java Programming Glossary: response.setcontenttype

How to get UTF-8 working in java webapps?


Set the default response content type and encoding response.setContentType text html charset UTF 8 response.setCharacterEncoding UTF 8..

Authorization redirect on session expiration does not work on submitting a JSF form, page stays the same


response So just continue request. else if ajaxRequest response.setContentType text xml response.setCharacterEncoding UTF 8 response.getWriter..

Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application


UTF 8 File file new File path to images filename response.setContentType getServletContext .getMimeType file.getName response.setContentLength..

Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet


optionDAO.find dd val String json new Gson .toJson options response.setContentType application json response.setCharacterEncoding UTF 8 response.getWriter..

How to retrieve and display images from a database in a JSP page?


resultSet.next Image found prepare response and send it. response.setContentType resultSet.getString contentType response.setContentLength resultSet.getInt..

Forcing a save as dialogue from any web browser from JSF application


We want to get rid of them else it may collide. response.setContentType application xml Check http www.iana.org assignments media types..

Who sets response content-type in Spring MVC (@ResponseBody)


response log.debug Getting help for code code response.setContentType text plain charset UTF 8 String help messageSource.getMessage..

How to use Servlets and Ajax?


throws ServletException IOException String text some text response.setContentType text plain Set content type of the response so that jQuery knows.. item2 list.add item3 String json new Gson .toJson list response.setContentType application json response.setCharacterEncoding UTF 8 response.getWriter.. value3 label3 String json new Gson .toJson options response.setContentType application json response.setCharacterEncoding UTF 8 response.getWriter..

Simple calculator in JSP


and changing the last two lines of doPost as follows response.setContentType text plain response.setCharacterEncoding UTF 8 response.getWriter.. .equals request.getHeader X Requested With Ajax request. response.setContentType text plain response.setCharacterEncoding UTF 8 response.getWriter..

Streaming large files in a java servlet


be served byte bytes new byte FILEBUFFERSIZE int bytesRead response.setContentType mimeType while bytesRead in.read bytes 1 out.write bytes 0 bytesRead..

Downloading a file from spring controllers


JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together


String id HttpServletResponse response ModelMap model response.setContentType application json ... and In JQuery I use .getJSON 'fooBar 1'..

How do you remove a Cookie in a Java Servlet


now works successfully it appears to be the combination of response.setContentType text html and cookie.setMaxAge 0 Before I was doing remove single.. single signon cookie if it hasn't been validated yet response.setContentType text html Cookie cookie new Cookie SSORealm.SSO_COOKIE_NAME.. single signon cookie if it hasn't been validated yet response.setContentType text html Cookie cookie new Cookie SSORealm.SSO_COOKIE_NAME..