

java Programming Glossary: respectively

Understanding JSF as a MVC framework


these artifacts are typically implemented by EJB and JPA respectively. View The UI components and their composition into a full page... of JSF and implemented by JSF UIComponent s and Facelets respectively. Controller The traffic cop that handles commands and incoming..

Difference between Activity and FragmentActivity


How to set the maximum memory usage for JVM?


G after the numbers for indicating Megs and Gigs of bytes respectively. Xms indicates the minimum and Xmx the maximum share improve..

Print query string in hibernate with parameter values


for the the following categories at debug and trace levels respectively org.hibernate.SQL Log all SQL DML statements as they are executed..

Classpath including JAR within a JAR


that UberJar and Shade are plugins for Maven1 and Maven2 respectively. As mentioned below you can also use the assembly plugin which..

getResourceAsStream() vs FileInputStream


IDE like Eclipse that's the src folder and the build path respectively . This way you can grab them with help of the ClassLoader by..

Shortcut “or-assignment” (|=) operator in Java


compound assignment version of the boolean logical and ^ respectively. In other words for boolean b1 b2 these two are equivalent b1..

How to tune Tomcat 5.5 JVM Memory settings without using the configuration program


will see that they run a setenv.sh or setenv.bat script respectively if it exists to set environment variables. The relevant environment..

Calculating the angle between two lines without having to calculate the slope? (Java)


m1 m2 where m1 and m2 are the slopes of line 1 and line 2 respectively. Is there a formula algorithm that can calculate the angles..

How to configure JPA for testing in Maven


target classes META INF and target test classes META INF respectively. It would be more elegant to encapsulate this into a mojo but..

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target


Also I have a xxx_IE.crt and xxx_FX.crt for Firefox and IE respectively and they don't work for the above Java client so do I need a..

Best way to represent a fraction in Java?


if this object is less than equal to or greater than f respectively. public int compareTo BigFraction f if f null throw new IllegalArgumentException..

.Net vs Java Garbage Collector


collectors which optimise for throughput verses latency respectively. Active research in GC strategies is ongoing in both companies..

Trust Store vs Key Store - creating with keytool


parameters used to build KeyManager s and TrustManager s respectively then used to build an SSLContext which essentially contains..

Java resource as file


in the user defined directory or the directory in the jar respectively Edit Apparently the ideal approach would be to stay away from..

What's the difference between @Component, @Repository & @Service annotations in Spring?


example in the persistence service and presentation layers respectively. Therefore you can annotate your component classes with @Component..

Stack with find-min/find-max more efficient than O(n)?


reading off the stored max and min atop the stack 9 and 1 respectively . Now suppose that we pop off the top element. This yields 9..

Why doesn't Java offer operator overloading? [closed]


Java Garbage Collection Log messages


size of live objects before and after garbage collection respectively. After minor collections the size includes some objects that..