java Programming Glossary: requesttoken
Library for OAuth Provider (Java) [closed] .apiSecret your_api_secret .build ... Token requestToken service.getRequestToken String your_token requestToken.getToken.. requestToken service.getRequestToken String your_token requestToken.getToken ... Verifier verifier new Verifier your_previously_retrieved_verifier.. Token accessToken service.getAccessToken requestToken verifier Creating the request OAuthRequest request OAuthRequest..
JOAuth, a java-based OAuth 1 (final) and OAuth 2 (draft 10) library. How do I use it? 1 consumer key TWITTER_KEY secret TWITTER_SECRET provider requestTokenUrl https oauth request_token authorizationUrl.. 2 . For OAuth 2 the consumer element doesn't have the requestTokenUrl attribute like its version 1 counterpart. The OAuth Service.. OAuthException TODO Auto generated method stub String requestTokenSecret null RequestToken requestToken RequestToken request.getSession..
OAuth 1 authorization with JOAuth, example needed from OAuth1Consumer class RequestToken requestToken consumer.requestUnauthorizedToken null CALLBACK_URL null new.. String url consumer.createOAuthUserAuthorizationUrl requestToken null The 2nd parameter is null as we don't have additional HTTP.. accessToken example.requestAccessToken new AuthorizedToken requestToken.getToken twitterPin requestToken And here we go. Once you called..