java Programming Glossary: research
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) know it can be done I'm stubborn Research I've been doing research all day night. I've tried writing my own even though I'm very..
Is it feasible to create a REST client with Flex? are a year or more old. I'm working through this same research right now and this is what I've learned today. This IBM Developer..
MathML and Java and Java I've been doing some research for a mathematical Android related project I'd like to embark..
At runtime, find all classes in a Java application that extend a base class of great responses thank you. From the responses and my research I've found that what I really want to do is just not possible..
Jackson Vs. Gson gson jackson share improve this question I did this research the last week and I ended up with the same 2 libraries. As I'm..
How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? the form then request.getParameter returns null . During research I stumbled upon Apache Common FileUpload . I tried this FileItemFactory..
Difference of Maven JAXB plugins two plugins can be recommended Thanks Matt. On my little research project I found that there's quite another plugin comming from..
How to parse JSON in Java java json share improve this question Try doing some research into the various Java JSON libraries available. When you have..
Integers caching in Java [duplicate] what cases performance is increased etc. Reference to some research of this problem will be great. java optimization jvm share.. what cases performance is increased etc. Reference to some research of this problem will be great. The purpose is mainly to save..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) that this is possible in MySql and I've done quite some research that SQLite needs a custom external function for the Haversine..
How to deal with “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” error (64MB heap size) keeps the opened objects in the memory. After a quick research I found Ergonomics in the 5.0 Java Virtual Machine and others..
static allocation in java - heap, stack and permanent generation to download the OpenJDK sourcecode ... and do your own research by reading and understanding the source code. Asking questions.. through random web articles is not a sound academic research technique. Having said that ... 1 Classes loaded by the classloaders..
Stroke Width Transform (SWT) implementation (Java, C#…) the stroke width transform as documented in the following research paper Detecting Text in Natural Scenes with Stroke Width Transform..
.Net vs Java Garbage Collector for throughput verses latency respectively. Active research in GC strategies is ongoing in both companies and in open source..
Polymorphism with gson [closed] I had to do exactly the same thing today. So based on my research and when using gson 2.0 you really don't want to use the registerTypeHierarchyAdapter..
On-the-fly, in-memory java code compilation for Java 5 and Java 6 recycled for multiple invocations. While I do know how to research it I'd prefer a ready solution. Edit2 For now I'm content with..
What is the best macro-benchmarking tool / framework to measure a single-threaded complex algorithm in Java? [closed] for Java and Mersenne Twister http ~sean research . If the author Brent Boyer finds time he will boil the library..
Character Encoding Detection Algorithm this called jCharDet JCharDet Both of these are based on research carried out using a set of static data. What I'm wondering is.. Spolsky article just to clarify UPDATE I did a bunch of research into this and ended up finding a framework called cpdetector..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) pull this off as I know it can be done I'm stubborn Research I've been doing research all day night. I've tried writing my..
Where to find source code for java.lang native methods? through JNI Java. JDK6 is freely licensed through the Java Research License JRL and Java Internal Use License JIUL . JDK7 and OpenJDK6..
Managing highly repetitive code and documentation in Java best example happens to involve this exact class Google Research Blog Extra Extra Read All About It Nearly All Binary Searches..
Need guidance on alternative JVMs for Apple OS X a native implementation and seems to be require a Java Research License. Can somebody point me to other JVMs for OS X or disabuse..
Mathematical expression (string) to number in Java expressions like Top 2 Bottom 2 and Right 1 Left 2 . Research on the Internet turned up a number of fairly good solutions..
Communication between local JVMs should exit normally at the end of completing its task. Research so far I am aware there are a number of technologies that may..
Adding other video codecs / DVD support to JavaFX 2.2 provide the means for doing so in a cross platform manner. Research JavaFX 2.0 supports video great But at the moment the official..
How to determine if a point is inside a 2D convex polygon? question This page http Homepages wrf Research Short_Notes pnpoly.html shows how to do this for any polygon... the boundary. See http Homepages wrf Research Short_Notes pnpoly.html @param test The point to check @return..