java Programming Glossary: request.getpathinfo
JSP page without HTML code for exporting data to Excel Sheet throws ServletException IOException String filename request.getPathInfo List List Object csv someDAO .list response.setHeader content..
Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application IOException String filename URLDecoder.decode request.getPathInfo UTF 8 File file new File path to images filename response.setContentType.. new File path to images 404.gif or so . Also using the request.getPathInfo is preferred above request.getParameter because it is more SEO..
Execute jdbc applet in browser IOException String action request.getParameter action Or request.getPathInfo whatever you want. String result someDAO.doAction action response.getWriter..
What is difference between “Class.forName()” and “Class.forName().newInstance()”?
How to retrieve and display images from a database in a JSP page? throws ServletException IOException Prepare. String name request.getPathInfo .substring 1 Returns foo.gif . You may want to do nullchecks..
How to convert BufferedImage to Image to display on JSP image identifier here the filename is here available by request.getPathInfo The img src will fire a GET request so you just have to implement..
Writing image to servlet response with best performance its doGet method as follows. Long imageId Long.valueOf request.getPathInfo .substring 1 123 Image image imageDAO.find imageId Get Image..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? String view action.execute request response if view.equals request.getPathInfo .substring 1 request.getRequestDispatcher WEB INF view .jsp..
Design Patterns web based applications String view action.execute request response if view.equals request.getPathInfo .substring 1 request.getRequestDispatcher WEB INF view .jsp.. The parts register login etc are then available by request.getPathInfo as in above example. When you're using suffix patterns like.. request return actions.get request.getMethod request.getPathInfo The actions in turn should be some static applicationwide Map..
How to set the content type on the servlet download then you can obtain it as follows String filename request.getPathInfo .substring 1 Finally set it in the Content Disposition header.. . file.ext a And then in the servlet String filename request.getPathInfo .substring 1 String id filename.split . 0 Obtain from DB based.. Stream closed throws ServletException IOException String imageid request.getPathInfo .substring 1 if imageid null check for null and response.senderror..