

java Programming Glossary: request.getcontextpath

Any clever ways of handling the context in a web app?


like this script type text javascript var CONTEXT_ROOT ' request.getContextPath ' script Then you can use the context root in all your scripts..

Authorization redirect on session expiration does not work on submitting a JSF form, page stays the same


session request.getSession false String loginURL request.getContextPath login.xhtml boolean loggedIn session null session.getAttribute.. boolean resourceRequest request.getRequestURI .startsWith request.getContextPath ResourceHandler.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER boolean ajaxRequest partial..

How to avoid using scriptlets in my JSP page?


html head title My Events decorator title title link href request.getContextPath assets styles.css rel stylesheet type text css head body div.. .contains events class 'selected' href ' request.getContextPath events Listing.action' Events a a request.getRequestURI .contains.. .contains people class 'selected' href ' request.getContextPath people Listing.action' People a div div class submenu if request.getRequestURI..

“someVariable cannot be resolved” error indicated in Eclipse for an included JSP


The include.jsp contains a string String basePath request.getContextPath . navbar.jsp uses basePath but Eclipse puts a red X on any line..

Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet


multipart form data method post target uploadFrame action request.getContextPath uploadFile portletId portletId remoteFolder remoteFolder ..... uploadify scripts uploadify.swf' oScript.text 'script' ' request.getContextPath uploadFile portletId portletId remoteFolder decodedString '.. same session. Ok you can do this fairly easy by changing ' request.getContextPath uploadFile portletId portletId remoteFolder decodedString '..

logback with EJB3.1


out.println html body out.println h2 Serving at request.getContextPath h2 out.println h2 Invoking EJB bean.sayHello Duke h2 out.println..

Why does getRealPath() return null when deployed with a .war file?


myfile application.getRealPath generate.xml String myfile request.getContextPath generate.xml String myfile request.getRealPath generate.xml.. String realContextPath context.getRealPath request.getContextPath However the API docs for ServletContext.getRealPath String path..

JDBC Realm Login Page


out.println body out.println h1 Servlet LoginController at request.getContextPath h1 out.println body out.println html finally out.close editor..

Is there any easy way to preprocess and redirect GET requests?


null userManager.isLoggedIn response.sendRedirect request.getContextPath login.xhtml No logged in user found so redirect to login page...

Changing cookie JSESSIONID name


path setting as none of the resources are accessed with request.getContextPath prepended in front. This leaves me to change the name of cookie..