java Programming Glossary: request
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? to use to fire and handle HTTP requests URLConnection is pretty often asked here and the Oracle tutorial.. about it. So how do I use it to fire and handle HTTP requests Are there other hints and best practices on this that may be.. best practices on this that may be useful java http httprequest httpurlconnection urlconnection share improve this question..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? I know that something like the following three lines x 1 request.getParameter name counter is an oldschool way of coding and.. called value objects returned from processing the client's requests into a proper client ready format. Even then this would be.. class. If you want to invoke the same Java code on every request less or more regardless of the requested page e.g. checking..
Java Component based vs Request based frameworks Component based vs Request based frameworks I was recently asked in an interview In java.. based framework and Struts is a request based framework. Request based frameworks generally make it clear through their APIs..
Authorization redirect on session expiration does not work on submitting a JSF form, page stays the same when the user is not logged in public void service ServletRequest request ServletResponse response HttpServletRequest req HttpServletRequest.. ServletRequest request ServletResponse response HttpServletRequest req HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse res HttpServletResponse.. ServletResponse response HttpServletRequest req HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse res HttpServletResponse response..
Working Soap client example Java SAAJ is mainly used for dealing directly with SOAP Request Response messages which happens behind the scenes in any Web.. SOAPMessage soapResponse createSOAPRequest url print SOAP Response System.out.print Response SOAP Message.. soapConnection.close private static SOAPMessage createSOAPRequest throws Exception MessageFactory messageFactory MessageFactory.newInstance..
How to get parameters from the URL with JSP b request. getParameter name b See also e1066 Getting a Request Parameter Using JSTL in a JSP Page. share improve this answer..
Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet is not loaded. JS code is syntactically logically invalid. Request URL is invalid. Servlet is not mapped at all. Servlet is mapped.. import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem.. extends HttpServlet protected void doPost HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse response throws ServletException..
Sending HTTP POST Request In Java HTTP POST Request In Java lets assume this URL... http page.php.. HttpPost httppost new HttpPost http www.a foo Request parameters and other properties. List NameValuePair params new.. user joe new NameValuePair password bloggs post.setRequestBody data execute method and handle any error responses. .....
Design Patterns web based applications how actions and events are handled. The popular ones are Request action based MVC this is the simplest to implement. The Business.. The Business Model works directly with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects. You have to gather convert.. HttpServlet example. protected void service HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse response throws ServletException..
PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target String wsUrl this.ws_url wsUrl public void readRequest String xmlRequestFilePath try InputStream istream new FileInputStream.. wsUrl this.ws_url wsUrl public void readRequest String xmlRequestFilePath try InputStream istream new FileInputStream xmlRequestFilePath.. try InputStream istream new FileInputStream xmlRequestFilePath byte data stream2Bytes istream istream.close this.requestData..
Android, Java: HTTP POST Request Java HTTP POST Request I have to do a http post request to a web service for authenticating.. Rmu login This is what i am doing HttpPost postRequest new HttpPost urlString How do i construct the rest of the parameters.. new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost catch ClientProtocolException..
uploading of pdf file to get the content type information from JSP Request Header String contentType request.getContentType here we are..
JAX-RS / Jersey how to customize error handling? behavior Maybe a different response code probably 400 Bad Request What about logging an error Maybe add a description of the problem..
JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON making it work together I would like to have a.. the Java to JSON to JQuery path... @ResponseBody e.g. @RequestMapping value fooBar id method RequestMethod.GET public @ResponseBody.. @ResponseBody e.g. @RequestMapping value fooBar id method RequestMethod.GET public @ResponseBody FooBar getFooBar @PathVariable..
Android REST client, Sample? getInstance Choose an appropriate creation strategy. Request a User Profile from the REST server. @param userName The user.. private RestTaskCallback mCallback private String mRequestBody Creates a new instance of PostTask with the specified URL.. RestTaskCallback callback this.mRestUrl restUrl this.mRequestBody requestBody this.mCallback callback @Override protected..
Is there a good natural language processing library [closed] in plain english. Eg Will pick up at 12 00 noon tomorrow Request delivery after 10th June Please do not send before Wednesday..
Typing Chinese with PrimeFaces' <p:editor> component 3.x after upgrading from 2.x is caused by the new isAjaxRequest override in PrimeFaces' PrimePartialViewContext which checks.. checks a request parameter @Override public boolean isAjaxRequest return getWrapped .isAjaxRequest FacesContext.getCurrentInstance.. public boolean isAjaxRequest return getWrapped .isAjaxRequest FacesContext.getCurrentInstance .getExternalContext .getRequestParameterMap..
@Secured annotations not working in AspectJ Mode with Autoproxy proxy filter.addMappingForUrlPatterns EnumSet.of REQUEST false final DispatcherServlet servlet new DispatcherServlet..
Why request which start with ??WEB-INF??cannot be mapped to a servlet/filter name filter filter name url pattern url pattern dispatcher REQUEST dispatcher dispatcher FORWARD dispatcher dispatcher INCLUDE.. dispatcher filter mapping each of them are optional the REQUEST is the default one when totally absent This way the filter will..
How to forward request from servlet to action of struts2? struts2 filter name url pattern url pattern dispatcher REQUEST dispatcher dispatcher FORWARD dispatcher dispatcher INCLUDE..
How to do a true Java ping from Windows? improve this question isReachable will use ICMP ECHO REQUEST s if the privilege can be obtained otherwise it will try to.. if your client doesn't have permission to do the ICMP ECHO REQUEST . Probably both in your case you need to resolve one side or..
Jboss Seam: Enabling Debug page on WebLogic 10.3.2 (11g) name servlet name Faces Servlet servlet name dispatcher REQUEST dispatcher dispatcher FORWARD dispatcher dispatcher INCLUDE..
Can I exclude some concrete urls from <url-pattern> inside <filter-mapping>? pattern the question is how to modify this line dispatcher REQUEST dispatcher dispatcher FORWARD dispatcher filter mapping java.. in an infinite loop you need to let it listen dispatch on REQUEST only and the 3rd party filter on FORWARD only. share improve..
Android file uploader with server-side php r n String twoHyphens String boundary try CLIENT REQUEST Log.e Tag Inside second Method FileInputStream fileInputStream..
Upload a picture from Android to PHP server String urlString http index.php try CLIENT REQUEST Log.e MediaPlayer Inside second Method FileInputStream fileInputStream..
Guice: Cannot inject annotated type in Request scope I am attempting to inject an annotated variable into the REQUEST scope Map Key Object seedMap ImmutableMap. Key Object builder.. .call Where InjectingCallable injects GetModule inside the REQUEST scope A Callable that is constructed in one scope and injects..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? 1.1.0 wfs.xsd Now You have the request of GetCapabilities REQUEST xsd element name GetCapabilities type wfs GetCapabilitiesType..