java Programming Glossary: protectiondomain
Determine location of a java class loaded by Matlab Get the location of this class Class cls this.getClass ProtectionDomain pDomain cls.getProtectionDomain CodeSource cSource pDomain.getCodeSource.. Class cls this.getClass ProtectionDomain pDomain cls.getProtectionDomain CodeSource cSource pDomain.getCodeSource URL loc cSource.getLocation..
how to retransform a class at runtime loader String className Class classBeingRedefined ProtectionDomain protectionDomain byte classfileBuffer throws IllegalClassFormatException.. java.lang.String java.lang.Class byte @Override public byte transform ClassLoader loader String.. loader String className Class classBeingRedefined ProtectionDomain protectionDomain byte classfileBuffer throws IllegalClassFormatException..
Eclipse debugging “source not found” being thrown somewhere in Java's Transformer.IsRuntimeCode ProtectionDomain function. I didn't really need to know about this since the..
Executable war file that starts jetty without maven import import import org.mortbay.jetty.Server import org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.. System.getProperty port 8080 Server server new Server port ProtectionDomain domain EmbeddedJettyServer.class.getProtectionDomain URL location.. port ProtectionDomain domain EmbeddedJettyServer.class.getProtectionDomain URL location domain.getCodeSource .getLocation WebAppContext..
How do I get my current working directory in Java? static String getCleanPath URL location ExcelFile.class.getProtectionDomain .getCodeSource .getLocation String path location.getFile return.. fine in JAR files as well. You can obtain CodeSource by ProtectionDomain#getCodeSource and the ProtectionDomain in turn can be obtained.. CodeSource by ProtectionDomain#getCodeSource and the ProtectionDomain in turn can be obtained by Class#getProtectionDomain . public..
Problems using Rhino on Android ClassLoader .defineClass String byte int int ProtectionDomain line 338 DefiningClassLoader.defineClass String byte line 62..
Examples of immutable classes any mutating methods. And its state consists of a list of ProtectionDomains which is an immutable class and a DomainCombiner. DomainCombiner.. different on each call. In fact also the behaviour of the ProtectionDomain could depend on the current policy in force it is disputable..
run exe which is packaged inside jar import import import import static URI getJarURI throws URISyntaxException final ProtectionDomain domain final CodeSource source final URL url final URI uri domain.. source final URL url final URI uri domain Main.class.getProtectionDomain source domain.getCodeSource url source.getLocation uri url.toURI..
Finding the path to a jar from a Class inside it? class public static URL getLocation final Class cls final ProtectionDomain pd cls.getProtectionDomain final CodeSource cs pd.getCodeSource.. final Class cls final ProtectionDomain pd cls.getProtectionDomain final CodeSource cs pd.getCodeSource return cs.getLocation Not..