java Programming Glossary: ps.println
Looking for a CSS Parser in java and inspect. CSSRuleList ruleList stylesheet.getCssRules ps.println Number of rules ruleList.getLength for int i 0 i ruleList.getLength.. CSSStyleRule CSSStyleRule styleRule CSSStyleRule rule ps.println selector i styleRule.getSelectorText CSSStyleDeclaration styleDeclaration.. j String property styleDeclaration.item j ps.println property property ps.println value styleDeclaration.getPropertyCSSValue..
PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target the request data didn't initialized yet. if ps null ps.println Request n new String requestData URL url new URL ws_url HttpsURLConnection.. byte rply stream2Bytes is if ps null ps.println Response n new String rply os.close is.close connection.disconnect..
Java Telnet Library command PrintStream ps new PrintStream tc.getOutputStream ps.println command ps.flush public void sendForResponse String s messageQueue.add..