java Programming Glossary: personally
When do you use a JSP and when a Servlet? all done without any interaction with the customer. I have personally chosen to implement this functionality as a JSP since it is..
Exception Vs Assertion entire reasonable IMO to use exceptions for everything. I personally don't use assertions much at all but it's a matter of personal..
JavaFX or Swing? [closed] on Oracle official website Ease of use subjective again I personally prefer the general design of Java FX extensive use of generics..
Choosing a Java Web Framework now? [closed] based frameworks. All decent and will cover your needs personally I like Stripes and its convention over configuration approach..
Where to place configuration properties files in a JSP/Servlet web application? disadvantages in your own opinion of maintainability. I personally prefer putting it in the classpath outside the project add new..
Encoding conversion in java just use the String constructors and getBytes methods but personally I don't like just working with the names of character encodings...
How can I play sound in Java? should I look java audio share improve this question I personally made this code that works fine. I think it only works with .wav..
Design Patterns web based applications a robust framework yourself. From the mentioned ones I personally recommend JSF 2.0 . In the below detailed explanation I'll restrict..
Java Webservice Client (Best way) What is the best approach to do this JAVA I would personally NOT use Axis 2 even for client side development only. Here is..
Access C++ shared library from Java: JNI, JNA, CNI, or SWIG? in either can result in unexpected runtime behavior. I personally would use JNA unless the interface is complex enough to make..
Why does this go into an infinite loop? tell if that helps or hurts the answer. I will say that I personally haven't done all that much Java development so for all I know..
Is stopwatch benchmarking acceptable? seems great from the WebSite but I've not used it at all personally. Edit2 To answer the edited question on scheduling interruptions...
How to read PDF files using java [closed] is another alternative that also works with C# though I've personally never used it. It's more low level than PDFBox so less suited..
Composing Swing Components: How do I add the ability to add ActionListeners? controls actionlistener share improve this question I personally don't think you need a custom Swing component. No need for your..
for loop optimization you need to choose from mentioned two. go for second but I personally would go for for each for each Performance From Item 46 in Effective..
AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11 single thread is allocated to run a list of intense tasks. personally I think this is a sort of halfway solution. Yes the intense..
Making Distinctions Between Different Kinds of JSF Managed-Beans this question This is a very subjective question. I personally disagree that article and find that it's giving really bad advice..
Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing? I use them In which context For what purposes don't know personally I think of it as an api design accident. Slightly forced by..
Is there a Java library of Unix functions? from Jython jna posix based on JNA derived from JRuby Personally I like very much JNA . Take a look at this example of mine mapping..
Java Date vs Calendar manipulation functions of Date have since been deprecated. Personally I tend to use either time in milliseconds as a long or Long..
Java Generics: Why Does Map.get() Ignore Type? [duplicate] necessary to prevent the collection from getting broken. Personally I'm not a fan of that approach but it does make some sense given..
Java obfuscation - ProGuard/yGuard/other? [closed] to decompile from what Java versions are supported by each Personally I'm particularly interested from a J2ME point of view but please..
When comparing two Integers in Java does auto-unboxing occur? being used but the references genuinely are equal. Personally I'd use if x.intValue y.intValue or if x.equals y The latter..
Maven and the JOGL library? goal is used to install artifacts to a remote repository . Personally I would download JOGL 2.0 ZIPs from the URL you provided package..
What is a good CSV Java Utility [closed] a viable option. java csv share improve this question Personally I'd not be able to resist the innate programmer desire to roll..
Choosing a Java Web Framework now? [closed] Is portal based solution a good fit to this problem Personally I would stay away from big fat Portal solutions they are often..
Enum in Hibernate, persisting as an enum Java 5 Enums Persistence with Hibernate for an example . Personally I'd just forget the idea to use MySQL enum I'm not convinced..
Java protected fields vs public getters writable by subclasses unless it's final to start with . Personally I like all my fields to be private it provides a cleaner separation..
Java Concurrency: CAS vs Locking which of these concept Is it really so much faster Personally for me the usage of Locks is much clearer and easier to understand..
Why shouldn't I use immutable POJOs instead of JavaBeans? and I can't understand why I should use them instead. Personally the code looks better if it only deals with immutable objects..
What is a good use case for static import of methods? easier to find where this imported method is coming from. Personally I have used this language feature very rarely and almost always..
C# version of java's synchronized keyword? public event EventHandler SomeEvent synchronized Personally I don't like the implementation of MethodImpl as it locks this..
What is the most efficient Java Collections library? [closed] of functionality over the normal collections in the JDK. Personally and I'm biased I love Guava including the former Google Java..
Get term frequencies in Lucene specialized file structure that leaves out the SkipData . Personally I would look for a better algorithm to achieve my objective..
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool that SQL can. Productivity This is a hard one to judge. Personally I think I'm more productive in ibatis but I'm also really comfortable..
Is there a way to refer to the current type with a type variable? security that comes from the unintuitive recursive bound. Personally I prefer to leave the bound since SELF extends SelfTyped SELF..
Most efficient way to increment a Map value in Java and Trove methods would be likely to affect memory usage. Personally I find the MutableInt method the most attractive since it doesn't..
What is the best practice for reading property files in Java EE? system properties share improve this question Personally I use the java.util.Properties Class and use the load method..