java Programming Glossary: persistenceexception
Elegantly handling constraint violations in EJB/JPA environment? container. But this is WRONG . EclipseLink should throw a PersistenceException from JPA or one if its subclass but certainly not a provider.. for the sake of portability. You should catch a JPA PersistenceException or a subclass and then maybe look at the wrapped SQLException..
JAX-RS using exception mappers question Is InvalidDataException getting wrapped in a PersistenceException Maybe you could do something like the following @Provider public.. public class PersistenceMapper implements ExceptionMapper PersistenceException @Override public Response toResponse PersistenceException arg0.. PersistenceException @Override public Response toResponse PersistenceException arg0 if arg0.getCause instanceof InvalidDataException return..
What is the difference between persist() and merge() in hibernate? is invoked or the EntityExistsException or another PersistenceException may be thrown at flush or commit time. For all entities Y referenced..
hibernate+spring+jpa+isolation does not work? entityManager TransactionDefinition definition throws PersistenceException SQLException TransactionException Session session Session entityManager.getDelegate..