java Programming Glossary: persistence
Do I need <class> elements in persistence.xml? I need class elements in persistence.xml I have very simple persistance.xml file xml version 1.0.. simple persistance.xml file xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 persistence version 1.0 xmlns http xml ns persistence xmlns.. 8 persistence version 1.0 xmlns http xml ns persistence xmlns xsi http 2001 XMLSchema instance xsi schemaLocation..
How to load a jar file at runtime etc . If you want to keep the object data then I suggest a persistence mechanism such as Serialisation or whatever you are used to...
What to learn for making Java web applications in Java EE 6? [closed] or Stripes for the presentation layer learn Hibernate for persistence or not because I don't like ORM use iBatis or straight JDBC..
Why is my Spring @Autowired field null? allow new instances of your entities to get the necessary persistence information injected. @Service @Configurable public class MileageFeeCalculator..
How to limit setAccessible to only “legitimate” uses? field. Another obvious legitimate use are the frameworks persistence web frameworks injection that need to peek into the insides..
Right way to implement equals contract menu option. See also JBoss Equals and HashCode in view of persistence Hibernate Persistent Classes implementing equals and hashCode..
Why Java needs Serializable interface? gives you the persisted forms of classes . For long term persistence the class must be able to decode this form which restricts the..
In Java, when should I create a checked exception, and when should it be a runtime exception? [duplicate] a layer boundary. For example if I'm passing up from my persistence layer I would like to convert an SQL exception to a persistence.. layer I would like to convert an SQL exception to a persistence exception since the next layer up shouldn't care that I'm persisting..
What's the difference between @Component, @Repository & @Service annotations in Spring? @Component for more specific use cases for example in the persistence service and presentation layers respectively. Therefore you.. as a marker for automatic exception translation in your persistence layer. Annotation Meaning @Component generic stereotype.. any Spring managed component @Repository stereotype for persistence layer @Service stereotype for service layer @Controller stereotype..
CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF JSF's responsibility. How to prevent this depends on the persistence API you're using raw JDBC modern JPA or good ol' Hibernate but..
similarity and difference between jpa and hibernate hibernate orm jpa share improve this question JPA Java Persistence API is an interface for persistence providers to implement...
Persistence-unit as RESOURCE_LOCAL or JTA? unit as RESOURCE_LOCAL or JTA I have queries as below What..
Enum in Hibernate, persisting as an enum from the Java 5 EnumUserType see Appfuse's Java 5 Enums Persistence with Hibernate for an example . Personally I'd just forget the..
Where can i find a list of all the reference implementations for JEE6? [closed] Geronimo 3.0 Apache Tomcat 7.0 Eclipse Jetty 8.0 Java Persistence API JPA 2.0 JSR 317 EclipseLink RI used in Glassfish 3 OpenJPA..
Lightweight Java Object cache API [closed] like Access from multiple processes caching server Persistence to disk Suggestions In Memory caching Guava CacheBuilder active..
Java - JDBC alternatives [closed] Java EE and they did it in Java EE 5 with JPA the Java Persistence API which is part of EJB 3.0 and is the new standard for object..
Besides EAR and EJB, what do I get from a Java EE app server that I don't get in a servlet container like Tomcat? transaction via database stored procedures. JPA Java Persistence API We use JDBC and again stored procedures to persist. JMS..
How to persist a property of type List<String> in JPA? import javax.persistence.Id import javax.persistence.Persistence @Entity public class Command implements Serializable @Id @GeneratedValue.. String args Command command new Command EntityManager em Persistence .createEntityManagerFactory pu .createEntityManager em.getTransaction.. code produces Exception in thread main javax.persistence.PersistenceException No Persistence provider for EntityManager named pu..
@Basic(optional = false) vs @Column(nullable = false) in JPA then those properties should be evaluated in memory by the Persistence Provider and an exception raised before SQL is sent to the database..
Persist collection of interface using Hibernate JPA annotations are not supported on interfaces. From Java Persistence with Hibernate p.210 Note that the JPA specification doesn ™t..
JPA/Hibernate Native Queries do not recognize Parameters 4.4.1. The use of named parameters applies to the Java Persistence query language and is not defined for native queries. Only positional..
Unique constraint with JPA and Bean Validation The BV spec summarizes it like this Appendix D. Java Persistence 2.0 integration Question should we add @Unique that would map.. Bean Validation specification JSR 303 Appendix D. Java Persistence 2.0 integration Question about validation and persistence constraints..
Sharing a persistence unit across components in a .ear file not sure how to define this persistence unit. With the @PersistenceContext annotation the lookup only succeeds if the name matches.. are the relevant sections of the JPA 2.0 specification 8.2 Persistence Unit Packaging ... A persistence unit is defined by a persistence.xml.. within the EJB JAR or WAR. See Section NOTE Java Persistence 1.0 supported use of a jar file in the root of the EAR as the..
Java JPA Class for MATLAB But when I call my init which calls javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory I get the dreaded No Persistence.. I get the dreaded No Persistence provider for EntityManager This error usually means that the..
Should I use EJB3 or Spring for my business layer? specification. Spring allows for technology choices for Persistence object remoting etc. For example we are also using a Flex front..
JPA Hibernate One-to-One relationship key generation in OtherInfo entity. The classic book Java Persistence with Hibernate by Bauer and King gives the following solution..