java Programming Glossary: persistenceunitname
Spring JPA and persistence.xml property name persistenceUnitName value educationPU bean bean id transactionManager class org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager..
How to inject JPA EntityManager using spring property name persistenceUnitName value myPU bean EDIT that was very helpfull thank you all java..
Programmatically loading Entity classes with JPA 2.0? bean property property name persistenceUnitName value GenericPersistenceUnit property name persistenceXmlLocation..
Difference between configuring data source in persistence.xml and in spring configuration files property name persistenceUnitName value JiraManager property name dataSource ref domainDataSource..
Is it possible to dynamically define column names in Hibernate / JPA? property name persistenceUnitName value myunit property name dataSource ref dataSource property..
Multiple Entity Manager issue in Spring when using more than one datasource ref persistenceUnitManager property name persistenceUnitName value PU1 bean bean id entityManagerFactory2 class org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.. ref persistenceUnitManager property name persistenceUnitName value PU2 bean Data Sources bean id dataSource class org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource..
Spring + EntityManagerFactory +Hibernate Listeners + Injection property name dataSource ref dataSource property name persistenceUnitName value mis property name persistenceProviderClass value org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence..
Class loading isolation issue (or How to use JPA2 on JBoss 5.x ?) emf Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory persistenceUnitName Restore original class loader t.setContextClassLoader clOriginal..
Fixing Null EntityManger in Spring MVC application? property name persistenceUnitName value GenericPU property name dataSource ref dataSource property..
Declarative transactions (@Transactional) doesn't work with @Repository in Spring property name persistenceUnitName value schedulePU bean bean id transactionManager class org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager..