java Programming Glossary: pet
BeanCreationException after adding two variables mappedBy owner fetch FetchType.EAGER private Set Pet pets I added the following two variable declarations @Transient.. following two variable declarations @Transient private Set Pet cats new HashSet Pet @Transient private Set Pet dogs new HashSet.. declarations @Transient private Set Pet cats new HashSet Pet @Transient private Set Pet dogs new HashSet Pet I also added..
Hibernate criteria: Joining table without a mapped association that joins two entities. Let's say I have two entities Pet and Owner with a owner having many pets but crucially that association..
Using auto generated id of hibenate entity object in the equals and hashcode methods the only suitable field to be considered Person Address Pet ... Customer etc etc Combining fields is a good idea but never..
ResultSet not closed when connection closed? code review mostly using tools like FindBug of one of our pet projects and FindBug marked following code as errorneus pseudocode..
Why no static methods in Interfaces, but static fields and inner classes OK? share improve this question I'm going to go with my pet theory with this one which is that the lack of consistency in..
parameterizing object properties sent to it from a hyperlink I am modifying the spring petclinic sample application so that an owner detail page can show.. owner detail page can show separate lists of each type of pet that the specific owner owns. Currently a list of pets is a.. of pet that the specific owner owns. Currently a list of pets is a property of each owner and is accessible in jstl as owner.pets...
BeanCreationException after adding two variables mappedBy owner fetch FetchType.EAGER private Set Pet pets I added the following two variable declarations @Transient.. with a method for populating cats and dogs as subsets of pets as follows public void parsePets for Pet pet getPetsInternal.. subsets of pets as follows public void parsePets for Pet pet getPetsInternal if pet.getType .getName .equals cat cats.add..
java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date this question Congratulations you've hit my favorite pet peeve with JDBC Date class handling. Basically databases usually..
Hibernate criteria: Joining table without a mapped association I have two entities Pet and Owner with a owner having many pets but crucially that association is not mapped in the Java annotations.. or xml. With hql I could select owners that have a pet called 'fido' by specifying the join in the query rather than.. the join in the query rather than adding a set of pets to the owner class . Can the same be done using hibernate criteria..