java Programming Glossary: parallelize
Process Large File for HTTP Calls in Java sequentially but it would be incredibly slow. I'd like to parallelize the calls but I'm not sure if I should read the entire file.. file into memory something I'm not a huge fan of or try to parallelize the reading of the file as well which I'm not sure would make.. file http share improve this question I'd like to parallelize the calls but I'm not sure if I should read the entire file..
How to asynchronously call a method in Java similar in Java. As far as I've searched the common way to parallelize a method call is to do something like final String x somethingelse..
How can an EJB parallelize a long, CPU intensive process? can an EJB parallelize a long CPU intensive process The application has a CPU intensive..
Correctly multithreaded quicksort or mergesort algo in Java? quicksort and due to its partitioning nature it parallelize very well but I could have written a mergesort too ... But my..
Java EE specification and multi threading with the WorkManager . See these questions How can an EJB parallelize a long CPU intensive process Why spawning threads in J2EE container..
Java: Parallelizing quick sort via multi-threading My revised attempt is in the code below where I now try to parallelize quick sort. Are there any rookie mistakes in my multi threaded.. more than a 32 speed increase between a sequential and a parallelized algorithm on a duel core see timings at bottom Here is the..