java Programming Glossary: overriden
Combo-box key value pair in JavaFX 2 public static void main String args launch args Note the overriden toString of the Employee class. The combobox's key actual value..
Java overloading rules Number A and this is Ok because the method has not been overriden in ChooseMethodB and therefore the implementation being invoked.. being invoked is that of ChooseMethodA . Now add an overriden method in MethodChooserB public void doSomething Number n System.out.println..
Clicking on a drawn object classes one for each type of shape. Each shape has its own overriden paint method which draws the respective shape. I would like..
paintComponent draws other components on top of my drawing have super.paintComponent .. as the first call in your overriden paintComponent Do not extend JFrame unnecessarily Create and..
How can I set in the midst? question Without any evidence otherwise I'd guess you overriden the paint method of something like a JFrame and are painting..
Strange JFrame Behavior You do not call super.paintComponent Graphics g in overriden paintComponent .. method which you should in order to honor..
Event detection on opaque pixels in JButton Always call super.paintComponent .. as first call in overriden paintComponent method but because especially with buttons this..
Android exception handling best practice? each Activity just after the call of super method in your overriden onCreate method. Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler new..
Hashcode and equals value. So in your code 2 objects are equal as long as your overriden equals returns true no matter what hashCode does. hashCode is..
Why do I need to override the equals and hashCode methods in Java? will be false . Override only equals If only equals is overriden then when you call myMap.put first someValue first will hash..
Android - drawing path as overlay on MapView extends Overlay and implemments Overlay.Snappable. I have overriden its draw method @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView..
Test for floating point equality. (FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY) your code you have implemented compareTo but you have not overriden equals so you are inheriting the implementation of equals from..
How to ensure hashCode() is consistent with equals()? address of the object How should a hashCode method be overriden so that it returns a unique integer for each object based only..
Java: Calling a super method which calls an overridden method method1 subclass method2 I know technically I have overriden a public method but I figured that because I was calling the..
How to prevent xalan.jar that has META-INF\services\javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory from taking over JDK 1.6 built in Xalan implementation? classloader before the parent to avoid loading parent overriden JDK jars just like this case of the parent's xalan.jar overriding..
How do you get the “object reference” of an object in java when toString() and hashCode() have been overridden? class in question inherits from another class which has overriden both toString and hashCode which would usually give me the id...
Dumping a java object's properties Inner@530daa I realize that in my example I could have overriden the toString method for Inner but in the real world I'm dealing..
Painting in a BufferedImage inside Swing public JavaPaintUI initComponents this was moved from the overriden paintComponent instead it update the canvas BufferedImage and..
Java - inline class definition toString. However the 2nd seems like the function can be overriden inline. Is there a technical term for this Or any documentation..