java Programming Glossary: over
Why is Java Vector class considered obsolete or deprecated? individual operations is both less safe if you iterate over a Vector for instance you still need to take out a lock to avoid.. when once will be enough Of course it also has the overhead of locking even when you don't need to. Basically it's a..
What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP? output usually just HTML CSS JS through the webserver over network to the client side which in turn displays it in the.. are available as method arguments inside any of the overridden methods of HttpServlet such as doGet and doPost . JSF..
Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS Recently posted a question regarding the HttpClient over.. HTTPS Recently posted a question regarding the HttpClient over Https found here . I've made some headway but I've run into.. you do not entirely trust. Especially anything going over the public internet. Your question is just what I want to know...
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog the download. Unless you want to have full control over the download process I highly recommend using DownloadManager..
How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading So when the client doesn't visit the webapp anymore for over 30 minutes then the servletcontainer will trash the session...
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? taglibs like JSTL and EL Expression Language those things over a decade ago. The major disadvantages of scriptlets are Reusability.. request. When mapped on an appropriate url pattern covering the JSP pages of interest then you don't need to copypaste.. then you don't need to copypaste the same piece of code over all JSP pages. If you want to invoke some Java code to preprocess..
When to use LinkedList<> over ArrayList<>? to use LinkedList over ArrayList I've always been one to simply use List String names.. these I can rework my code. When should LinkedList be used over ArrayList and vice versa java data structures collections arraylist.. but the end requires shifting all the latter elements over either to make an opening or fill the gap. Also if you add more..
Generating random numbers in a range with Java random range from 1 to 1 Generate random numbers uniformly over an entire range But I couldn't solve the problem. java range.. multiply by the magnitude of the range of values you want covered. Math.random Max Min This returns a value in the range 0 Max.. 0 Max Min . For example if you want 5 10 you need to cover five integer values so you use Math.random 5 This would return..
How to use Servlets and Ajax? plenty of them as well see the bottom of this page for an overview . My personal favourite is Google Gson . Download and put.. somediv . .each responseJson function index item Iterate over the JSON array. ' li ' .text item .appendTo ul Create HTML.. again . .each responseJson function key value Iterate over the JSON object. ' option ' .val key .text value .appendTo..
When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components? fields and my answer on this question Split java.util.Date over two h inputText fields representing hour and minute with f convertDateTime.. Composite components do however have a significant overhead during building restoring of the view. Do not abuse them.. file needed as an excuse to prefer composite components over tag files. Further in older versions of Mojarra composite components..
how to put a JLabel inside a JLabel or divide a JLable into squares java.awt.event. import javax.swing. public class LabelOverLabel public static final String HTML html style type'text css'.. void createAndDisplayGUI JFrame frame new JFrame JLabel Over JLabel frame.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE.. new Runnable public void run new LabelOverLabel .createAndDisplayGUI Here is the output of the same Another..
Algorithm for Determining Tic Tac Toe Game Over for Determining Tic Tac Toe Game Over I've written a game of tic tac toe in Java and my current method..
Overriding vs Hiding Java - Confused vs Hiding Java Confused I'm confused on how Overriding.. vs Hiding Java Confused I'm confused on how Overriding differs from Hiding in Java. Can anyone provide more details.. code still left me confused. To be more clear I understand Overriding well. My issue is that I don't see that hiding is any..
Why does the Sun JVM continue to consume ever more RSS memory even when the heap, etc sizes are stable? more RSS memory even when the heap etc sizes are stable Over the past year I've made huge improvements in my application's.. The busiest instance of the application currently creates Over 1000 a few new JRobin database files at about 1.3MB each within..
Java 2D game graphics a team. The requirement of the module is to make a game. Over the Christmas holidays I've been doing a little practice but.. null start private class FrameClose extends WindowAdapter @Override public void windowClosing final WindowEvent e isRunning..
Is instanceof considered bad practice? If so, under what circumstances is instanceof still preferable? under what circumstances is instanceof still preferable Over the years I've tried to avoid instanceof whenever possible...
Flood fill using a stack but when de image becomes larger the JVM gives me a Stack Over Flow Error. That's the reason why I have to reimplement the..
How to Maintain order of insertion using collections 0 One 1 Two 2 Three 3 Four 4 Related questions Iterate Over Map iterating over and removing from a map If you want to modify..
Reasons and advantages for upgrading to Java 6 for a non-technical decider (at the client) java upgrade java 6 java 5 share improve this question Over time the client will increasingly need to upgrade because of..
Eclipse debug : Step Into/Step Over debug Step Into Step Over I want to debug the whole flow of a java program .What is the..
Should I use Java's String.format() if performance is important? to build Strings all the time for log output and so on. Over the JDK versions we have learned when to use StringBuffer many..
JMeter - response time calculation time I need to understand this graph Response Times Over Time . java testing jmeter share improve this question ..
Database Fail Over in Jboss Data sources Fail Over in Jboss Data sources In JBoss data source how can I give multiple..
How to change text color in the JtextArea? tPane Stack Color.DARK_GRAY appendToPane tPane Over Color.MAGENTA appendToPane tPane flow Color.ORANGE getContentPane..