java Programming Glossary: outdated
Java Dynamic Web project with Maven and Eclipse war goal. Note that this archetype is for a very simple outdated web application but it's the best available starting point...
Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean bean framework for that platform and of course EJBs outdated them all having been around for well over a decade. The problem..
How to get the project name in eclipse? myBundleName The generic answer from a potentially outdated code could be like if you have an editor opened IEditorPart..
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The function test must be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not specified 2.2 feature of invoking bean methods with arguments. The outdated environment is trying to interpret the expression as an EL function..
JavaFX or Swing? [closed] than 6 months later some of the above has already become outdated. For example JavaFX is now available on ARM processors and a..
What to learn for making Java web applications in Java EE 6? [closed] and without mentoring or guidance and you won't find a non outdated unique resource covering all combinations this must sound very..
Java introspection and reflection
What is the best java webservice framework? 1.x it's definitely easier than Axis which is totally outdated by the way . And even Axis2 sucks compared to JAX WS RI in terms..
Calling clojure from java of the top google hits for calling clojure from java are outdated and reccomend using clojure.lang.RT to compile the source code...
Maven compile mixed Java + Groovy 1.7 project, using gmaven-plugin code with Maven There's a lot of confusing contradicting outdated documentation on compiling old versions of Groovy using gmaven..
Java Serial Communication on Windows many of the APIs I've checked out are either for Linux too outdated or just had bad critics. Can someone recommend one to me that..
Are there any good ORMs (preferably JPA implementations) that support SQLite (on Android)? [closed] that addresses a similar question but I think it's a bit outdated. I realize implementations of JPA tend to be more on the heavy..
Dealing with video (DVDs, .avi .mkv) in Java Everyone around is screaming not to use JMF because it's outdated old and requires the user to install it other alternatives such.. this approach to work on a Mac yet. JMF is ridiculously outdated horrible and just not really an option as far as I'm concerned...
Java GUI listeners without AWT that I shouldn't use AWT in my programs because it is outdated. I already know about light and heavyweight components the main.. problem is the mouse and keyboard listeners. Why is AWT outdated How to make a program without AWT adding listeners to JComponents..
What is the status of SwingLabs (SwingX) post acquisition [closed] rarely ever was up and everything there is severely outdated. To get hold of build artefacts all releases are available from..
Java RTSP client/server library Java library Search on Google reveals JMF which is very outdated. Thanks. java media rtsp share improve this question If..
Sharing session data between contexts in Tomcat improve this question That article is indeed heavily outdated. On Tomcat 5.5 and 6.0 you can just set emptySessionPath attribute..
Integrating tomcat and eclipse as a hot-deploy environment use Sysdeo plugin use JBOss plugin do stuff with an outdated Eclipse use MyEclipse instead etc. and I couldn't find 1 definitive..