java Programming Glossary: overlooked
How can I use BitmapRegionDecoder code in android 2.2.2 (Froyo)? in the code so please correct me if there's anything I overlooked. Update Source code we need is located in following repositories..
How do I set the proxy to be used by the JVM javadocs but many times the rest of the documentation is overlooked. It contains a lot of interesting information http
How would you implement an LRU cache in Java 6? I mentioned above. Nice to know I hadn't just overlooked something. Based on the answers so far it sounds like my best..
How can a JVM be written in Java a VM in which to run and so on . Edit Ok so I see I overlooked the fact that Java doesn't have to run in a VM. How then does..
Is there a portable way to have “SELECT FIRST 10 * FROM T” semantic? This post suggests to use setMaxRows which I had overlooked. java sql spring jdbc share improve this question Grab..
Simple conversion between java.util.Date and XMLGregorianCalendar Is there anything simpler like some API call that I have overlooked Converting between a standard XML date time and a Java date..
How can a socket be both connected and closed? above thread When you use Socket which you seem to have overlooked Socket.isConnected tells you whether Socket.connect has been..
Alternative to ui:fragment in JSF taglib ui.taglib.xml file . The rendered attribute is overlooked and missing in the tag file declaration and also in the JSF..
The Guava library for java; what are its most useful and/or hidden features [closed] this read nicely here . ComparisonChain is a small easily overlooked class that's useful when you want to write a comparison method..
Is Dalvik's memory model the same as Java's? of the pieces were in place but some minor things had been overlooked that would be difficult to encounter in practice e.g. some edge..
Conversion from null to int possible? that when I read the answer to this I will see that I have overlooked something that was under my eyes. But I have spent the last..
Date columns in SQL-Server (MSSQL-JDBC 3.0) running under Java 1.7.0 retrieved as 2 days in the past google so I'm assuming that its either something stupid I overlooked or nobody is using Java7 yet. Can anybody confirm this problem..
Java multi-threading & Safe Publication publication is a particular problem because it's often overlooked and it's a place where it's quite reasonable for compilers to..