java Programming Glossary: outputkeys.indent
Pretty-printing output from javax.xml.transform.Transformer with only standard java api (Indentation and Doctype positioning) testing.dtd transformer.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.INDENT yes transformer.transform xmlInput xmlOutput System.out.println.. and indent amount as follow transformer.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.INDENT yes transformer.setOutputProperty http xslt indent..
Java: How to Indent XML Generated by Transformer b a.appendChild b d.appendChild a t.setParameter OutputKeys.INDENT yes s new ByteArrayOutputStream t.transform new DOMSource d.. the indent amount for the transformer t.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.INDENT yes t.setOutputProperty http xslt indent amount..
java: shortest way to pretty print to stdout a org.w3c.dom.Document OutputKeys.METHOD xml transformer.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.INDENT yes transformer.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.ENCODING UTF 8..
StAX XML formatting in Java you can set the attribute transformer.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.INDENT yes To accomplish this. Or take a look at the following for..
How can I insert element into xml after/before certain element in java .newTransformer transformer.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.INDENT yes StreamResult result new StreamResult new StringWriter DOMSource..
Producing valid XML with Java and UTF-8 encoding tFactory.newTransformer transformer.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.INDENT yes transformer.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.ENCODING UTF 8..
Java: How to read and write xml files? .newTransformer tr.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.INDENT yes tr.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.METHOD xml tr.setOutputProperty..
How to strip whitespace-only text nodes from a DOM before serialization? OutputKeys.ENCODING UTF 8 tf.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.INDENT no tf.transform new DOMSource doc new StreamResult out return..