java Programming Glossary: lineunavailableexception
Program to create a PNG waveform for an audio file javax.sound.sampled.DataLine import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException import javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException.. info format line.getBufferSize catch LineUnavailableException ex shutDown Unable to open the line ex return catch SecurityException..
Can Java Sound be used to control the system volume? volCtrl.getValue volCtrl.getValue catch LineUnavailableException e e.printStackTrace catch IllegalArgumentException iaEx System.out.println..
How to play .wav files with java javax.sound.sampled.DataLine import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine public class MakeSound.. AudioSystem.getLine info audioFormat catch LineUnavailableException e e.printStackTrace System.exit 1 catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
Playing MP3 using Java Sound API to configure the BigClip. public BigClip Clip clip throws LineUnavailableException dataLine AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine clip.getFormat Provides.. void open AudioInputStream stream throws IOException LineUnavailableException AudioInputStream is1 format stream.getFormat if format.getEncoding.. format byte data int offset int bufferSize throws LineUnavailableException byte input new byte bufferSize for int ii 0 ii input.length..
Detect silence when recording captureThread new Thread runner captureThread.start catch LineUnavailableException e System.err.println Line unavailable e System.exit 2 public..
Java raw audio output assigns it to the Clip. public void generateTone throws LineUnavailableException if clip null clip.stop clip.close else clip AudioSystem.getClip.. assigns it to the Clip. public void generateTone throws LineUnavailableException if clip null clip.stop clip.close else clip AudioSystem.getClip..
How do you play a long AudioClip? to configure the BigClip. public BigClip Clip clip throws LineUnavailableException dataLine AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine clip.getFormat Provides.. void open AudioInputStream stream throws IOException LineUnavailableException AudioInputStream is1 format stream.getFormat if format.getEncoding.. format byte data int offset int bufferSize throws LineUnavailableException byte input new byte bufferSize for int ii 0 ii input.length..