java Programming Glossary: linear
Java On-Memory Efficient Key-Value Store of programming. Here is an open addressed hashtable with linear probing with keys and values stored in parallel arrays public..
What is an “internal address” in Java? seems to be method 0 which is os random . The latter is a linear congruential generator with an alleged race condition thrown.. MD5Digest of obj stwRandom CRC32 of obj stwRandom or any linear feedback shift register function. A DES or AES style SBox mechanism..
mathematical optimization library for Java — free or open source recommendations? [closed] of such a library that performs mathematical optimization linear programming convex optimization or more general types of problems.. CPLEX and the like java matlab mathematical optimization linear programming convex optimization share improve this question.. general If you are trying to solve large or challenging linear or convex quadratic optimization problems especially with a..
Why are variables declared with their interface name in Java? implementation. You don't care if your data is stored in a linear array or some fancy data structure as long as it looks like..
How to convert pcm samples in byte array as floating point numbers in the range -1.0 to 1.0 and back? resampled signal. When you need a non integer sample use linear interpolation. If you need help with linear interpolation try.. sample use linear interpolation. If you need help with linear interpolation try here . This technique should be more than..
Memory overhead of Java HashMap compared to ArrayList key thru 6 million entries would be infeasible using a linear search. Using that assumption I've done some empirical tests..
In Java, why must equals() and hashCode() be consistent? the bucket checking equals . Looking through a bucket is a linear O n operation but it's on a small subset. The hashcode bucket..
Android: Add a textview to linear layout programmatically Add a textview to linear layout programmatically I am trying to add TextViews to my.. And in this layout I like to add my TextView View linearLayout findViewById LinearLayout layout LinearLayout.. LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LinearLayout linearLayout .addView valueTV But I only get the following error message..
Sorted array list in Java i 1 0 i Collections.swap this i i 1 The insert runs in linear time but that would be what you would get using an ArrayList..
Find top N elements in an Array share improve this question The time could be reduced to linear time Use the selection algorithm which effectively find the.. effectively find the k th element in a un sorted array in linear time. You can either use a variant of quick sort or more robust..
Interview question - Search in sorted array X for index i such that X[i] = i 2 3 4 5 Answer is 3 as X 3 3. The best I could think was a linear search. After the interview I though a lot on this problem but..
What is JAXB and why would I use it? of them. So JAXB is probably not that great for a simple linear list of preferences for an application. But if you have a rather..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] for your edittext box. You want to add this line to your linear layout that contains the EditTextBox. You should be able to..
Java - Ring Buffer perform in constant time . All other operations perform in linear time or worse. However you should consider it's limitations..
What makes JNI calls slow? in native code and later copied back. The cost can be linear in the size of the array. I measured JNI copying of a 100 000..
Difference between java.util.Random and standard Oracle JDK 7 implementation uses what's called a Linear Congruential Generator to produce random values in java.util.Random.. Seminumerical Algorithms section 3.2.1. Predictability of Linear Congruential Generators Hugo Krawczyk wrote a pretty good paper.. don't want for session IDs and the like. How to break a Linear Congruential Generator The assumption that an attacker would..
Generate Random numbers without using any external functions of algorithms solving this problem. A good example is the Linear Congruential Generator . A pseudo code implementation might..
Is it bad practice to use break to exit a loop in java? [closed] a loop pointlessly. Example String item for int x 0 x 10 x Linear search. if array x .equals Item I am looking for you've found..
Java: Multi-dimensional array vs. One-dimensional calculated using System.nanoTime .. here are the results Linear write Size 100x100 10000 Multi 5.786591 Single 6.131748 Size.. 10000x10000 100000000 Multi 4084.798753 Single 4015.448829 Linear read Size 100x100 10000 Multi 5.241338 Single 5.135957 Size..
Linear Programming Tool/Libraries for Java Programming Tool Libraries for Java I'd like to set up a large..
Mathematical expression (string) to number in Java Edit Found it http Code MathEval A Linear Recursive Math Evaluator This math expression evaluator was..
Why are compiled Java class files smaller than C compiled files? dependent code Finally found good example taken from Linear Scan Register Allocation for the Java HotSpot Client Compiler..
Weighted Linear Regression in Java Linear Regression in Java Does anyone know of a scientific mathematic..
Time Complexity for Java ArrayList Time isEmpty add x add x i set x i size get i remove i O N Linear Time indexof x clear remove x remove i Is this correct Thanks..