java Programming Glossary: lines
How do I split a string with any whitespace chars as delimiters? splitting share improve this question Something in the lines of myString.split s this groups all whitespaces as a delimiter.....
Placing component on Glass Pane solution to my original problem allowing me to remove ~60 lines of Java2D code that manually rendered a representation of the..
What is null in Java? things concise. Note that there is no problem with empty lines because an empty line null . Let's take another example this..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? Java EE and I know that something like the following three lines x 1 request.getParameter name counter is an oldschool way of.. files. Can someone please tell me the alternative JSP 2 lines and how this technique is called java jsp java ee scriptlet..
Java Process with Input/Output Stream Process process Runtime.getRuntime .exec bin bash with the lines ProcessBuilder builder new ProcessBuilder bin bash builder.redirectErrorStream.. until it has this next line. Since you're sending two lines of input to the process before reaching this loop the first.. will hang if the process hasn't exited after these two lines of input. It will sit there waiting for another line to be read..
What is the purpose of the expression “new String(…)” in Java? files some up to 20 MiB into a String and carving it into lines after the fact. I ended up with all the strings for the lines.. after the fact. I ended up with all the strings for the lines referencing the char consisting of entire file. Unfortunately.. kept a reference to the entire array for the few lines I held on to for a longer time than processing the file I was..
Swing: link toggle buttons together with a button group, along with corresponding menu items I need to make a simple paint application that can draw lines ovals and rectangles. The assignment specifies that I need toolbar..
If profiler is not the answer, what other choices do we have? is identified one still has to hunt inside it for the hot lines of code accounting for the time. That information is in the..
Draw a line in a JPanel with button click in Java to add the Panel to the Frame and add some buttons to draw lines in many directions and use the X button in center to clean the.. graphics.drawLine 10 20 300 310 So how to use this lines .... Thanks in advance. Best regards Ali java swing graphics.. share improve this question It may be easier to draw lines using the following approach click to mark the first endpoint..
How to share data with two(2) SwingWorker class in Java I will execute the two threads. When the lines counting thread finishes it will pass the result to File Division..
Capturing stdout when calling Runtime.exec client machines I'd like to be able to run a few command lines and email the results of them to myself. I've found Runtime.exec..
Including a text file inside a jar file and reading it [duplicate] File Line By Line while strLine br.readLine null Read Lines toRet.add strLine return toRet catch Exception e Catch exception..
How to smoothen scrolling of JFrame in Java panelDimension.width rectx.getW 300 for LifeLine life lifeLines panelDimension.height life.getEndpointY 300 scrollPane.setViewportView.. objects .......... some objects here draw Lines Stroke drawingStroke new BasicStroke 2 BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT..
Calculating the angle between two lines without having to calculate the slope? (Java) without having to calculate the slope Java I have two Lines L1 and L2. I want to calculate the angle between the two lines... formed between two lines public static double angleBetween2Lines Line2D line1 Line2D line2 double slope1 line1.getY1 line1.getY2.. I'd rewrite your code as public static double angleBetween2Lines Line2D line1 Line2D line2 double angle1 Math.atan2 line1.getY1..
ANDROID: Parsing XML if localName.equalsIgnoreCase PEROID peroidContent.put Lines linesMap else if localName.equalsIgnoreCase LINES linesMap.put..
javac optimization flags
How to prepend to a file (add at the top) no need to work with an extra file. You can just do writeLines c header readLines File File Yet using the linux shell seems.. an extra file. You can just do writeLines c header readLines File File Yet using the linux shell seems the most optimal solution.. since you have to read in the complete file first. Example Lines c First line Second line Third line File test.txt header A line..
Searching for words in textarea improve this question First of all read Text and New Lines for information on how to get the text to search. Then to highlight..
sorting lines of an enormous file.txt in java that has a starting file really similar to mine Sorting Lines Based on words in them as keys The problem is that i cannot..