java Programming Glossary: lineevent
Play audio clips sequentially in JApplet Clip currentClip clip1 @Override public void update LineEvent event if event.getType LineEvent.Type.STOP if currentClip.. public void update LineEvent event if event.getType LineEvent.Type.STOP if currentClip clip1 currentClip clip2 else currentClip..
sound will play in eclipse but not in exported jar file x .addLineListener new LineListener public void update LineEvent event if event.getType LineEvent.Type.STOP event.getLine .close.. public void update LineEvent event if event.getType LineEvent.Type.STOP event.getLine .close catch LineUnavailableException..
how can I wait for a java sound clip to finish playing back? LineListener listener new LineListener public void update LineEvent event if event.getType Type.STOP return try queue.take catch..
Playing MP3 using Java Sound API .getSampleRate @Override public void update LineEvent le logger.log Level.FINEST update le @Override public void loop..
Trouble playing wav in Java import import javax.sound.sampled.LineEvent.Type private static void playClip File clipFile throws IOException.. done false @Override public synchronized void update LineEvent event Type eventType event.getType if eventType Type.STOP eventType..
How to stop a music Clip in Java? import javax.sound.sampled.LineEvent import javax.sound.sampled.LineListener import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException.. null player new Music return player public void update LineEvent event public void stopClip TODO NEED HELP HERE public void startClip..
How do you play a long AudioClip? .getSampleRate @Override public void update LineEvent le logger.log Level.FINEST update le @Override public void loop..