java Programming Glossary: linepanel
AbstractAction as WindowListener . Addendum More examples that use Action are shown below. LinePanel which connects buttons and keys. ScrollAction which leverages..
I am trying to make ball gradually move @see http questions 5797965 public class LinePanel extends JPanel myObject ball private Point b1 new Point 0 0.. Point p2 new Point 540 380 private boolean drawing public LinePanel this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 640 480 this.addMouseListener.. @Override public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e LinePanel.this.b1.translate myX myY LinePanel.this.repaint ControlPanel.this.getInputMap..
Draw a line in a JPanel with button click in Java bindings. I've updated this example to use Key Bindings . import java.awt.BasicStroke import java.awt.BorderLayout.. @see http questions 5797965 public class LinePanel extends JPanel private MouseHandler mouseHandler new MouseHandler.. Point p2 new Point 540 380 private boolean drawing public LinePanel this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 640 480 this.addMouseListener..