java Programming Glossary: lengthoftask
JProgressbar: how to change colour based on progress? Void @Override public Void doInBackground int current 0 lengthOfTask 100 while current lengthOfTask isCancelled try dummy task .. int current 0 lengthOfTask 100 while current lengthOfTask isCancelled try dummy task Thread.sleep 50 catch InterruptedException.. ie return null setProgress 100 current lengthOfTask current return null worker.addPropertyChangeListener new..
Adding multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn of JTable int sleepDummy new Random .nextInt 100 1 private int lengthOfTask 120 @Override protected Integer doInBackground int current.. Integer doInBackground int current 0 while current lengthOfTask isCancelled if table.isDisplayable break if key 2 current.. catch InterruptedException ie break publish 100 current lengthOfTask return sleepDummy lengthOfTask @Override protected void process..