java Programming Glossary: lgpl
Java equivalent of C#'s Rfc2898DerivedBytes files with trivial compile and no dependencies free as in LGPL. Given the availability of HMacSHA1 in the standard SUN JCE..
JTree with checkboxes but I need to use free open source software GPL is not ok LGPL is ok in this case. or create my own checkbox tree java swing..
ActionListener for JLabel is hovering over the first link. License LGPL LinkLabel Using the Desktop Class There are a lot of link labels...
Video playback in Java ( JMF, Fobs4JMF, Xuggler, FMJ ) a commercial product without having to be open source I.E. LGPL or Comercial is good My research has led me to the following..
How to decode H.264 video frame in Java environment
Create thumbnail image for PDF in Java share improve this question PDF Renderer is a LGPL licensed pure java library that makes this as simple as taken..
Java PDF viewer with FDF an easy way to merge FDF data into the PDF form. The only LGPL viewer that worked ok unlike Adobe's own 10 year old Java 1.1..
Shutdown Windows with Java
What are good docking frameworks for Java/Swing? [closed] frameworks here . Raven Docking Apache 2 0.2 MB MyDoggy LGPL only JARs 0.7 MB Dec 2010 VLDocking LGPL 0.4 MB NetBeans CDDL.. 2 0.2 MB MyDoggy LGPL only JARs 0.7 MB Dec 2010 VLDocking LGPL 0.4 MB NetBeans CDDL GPL 4.6 MB Eclipse CPL or.. Sanaware GPL or Commercial full zip 0.3MB Docking Frames LGPL 3 MB Jide commercial 3MB FlexDock MIT 0.4 MB Nov 2011 Inactive..
Does anyone know of a fork of iText? to take the old 2.1.7 or 4.2.0 code and fork it to keep an LGPL version going. Does anyone know of such a fork already started.. to be some sense that wanting to use or continue with the LGPL version is a personal affront to Bruno. How about the fact that.. the fact that folks adopted the library because it was LGPL in the first place Now a change in the package names and licenses..
What is the best library for Java to grid/cluster-enable your application? [closed] API part of Jini GridGain which you mentioned open source LGPL memcached with a Java client library open source BSD License..
Sparse matrices / arrays in Java good library for this purpose It would have to be Berkeley LGPL or similar license no GPL as the product can't be entirely open..
Licensing manager tool development? profit purposes as well under the license terms covered by LGPL. I have not personally used it. I'm looking for a solution too..
Java raw audio output @author Andrew Thompson @version 2009 12 19 @license LGPL public class Beeper extends JApplet BeeperPanel bp public void..
WYSIWYG text editor in Java [closed] I've used this component and it works well. It is LGPL and it is based on javax.swing.text package javax.swing.text.EditorKit..