

java Programming Glossary: jni.h

How to compile dynamic library for a JNI application on linux?


DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE it is machine generated #include jni.h Header for class Hello #ifndef _Included_Hello #define _Included_Hello.. #endif #endif Then I created Hello.cpp #include jni.h #include Hello.h #include iostream using namespace std JNIEXPORT.. endl return Hello.c I prefer to compile jni in c #include jni.h #include Hello.h #include HelloImpl.h JNIEXPORT void JNICALL..

Calling a java method from c++ in Android


native.cpp #include string.h #include stdio.h #include jni.h jstring Java_the_package_MainActivity_getJniString JNIEnv env.. code for c #include string.h #include stdio.h #include jni.h jstring Java_the_package_MainActivity_getJniString JNIEnv env..

JNI error while calling a C subroutine


the comments have limited characters... Sample1.c #include jni.h #include Sample_Sample1.h JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_Sample_Sample1_test.. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE it is machine generated #include jni.h Header for class Sample_Sample1 #ifndef _Included_Sample_Sample1..

Embed Java into a C++ application?


book has some more details. The synopsis of it is #include jni.h where everything is defined int main JavaVM jvm denotes a Java..

Calling Android NDK function from Unity Script


these C functions in Unity. Here is my lib #include jni.h #include string.h #include android log.h #define DEBUG_TAG NDK_blahy..

JNI Calls different in C vs C++?


like to convert this to C but am not sure how. #include jni.h #include stdio.h #include InstanceMethodCall.h JNIEXPORT void..

How to access the Java method in a C++ application


then there is no need to construct a VM instance #include jni.h #include stdio.h int main int argc char argv JavaVM vm JNIEnv..