

java Programming Glossary: jodatime

Java Joda Time - Implement a Date range iterator


Do you have any idea on how to do that java date iterator jodatime share improve this question Here's something to get you..

joda time - add weekdays to date


date 1 should return Monday 04 03 rather than 02 03. java jodatime share improve this question As far as I know there is no..

How to get the current date and time of your timezone in Java?


int minutes dt.getMinuteOfHour java timezone jodatime share improve this question Date is always UTC based. There's..

Joda-Time: Period to string


into the respective fields like days hours etc... java jodatime period share improve this question You need to normalize..

Joda Time: First day of week?


Wikipedia Seven day week #Week_number java calendar jodatime weekday share improve this question Joda Time uses the ISO..

How to calculate elapsed time from now with Joda-Time?


write the algorithm myself java algorithm datetime grails jodatime share improve this question To calculate the elapsed time..

Joda-Time: what's the difference between Period, Interval and Duration?


instance not implemented E.g. p p.divideBy 2 java jodatime share improve this question 3 classes are needed because..

GPS Time Representation library


dates.. is there a way to extend it java datetime time jodatime share improve this question This website seems to be doing..

Using Joda Date & Time API to parse multiple formats


that doesn't misuse exceptions java parsing exception jodatime share improve this question You can create multiple parsers..

Are there any cons to using Joda-Time?


wrong. Could you provide some clarity on the subject java jodatime share improve this question I've had almost entirely positive..

Number of days between two dates in Joda Time


difference between 14 01 and 14 55 would be 0 java date jodatime share improve this question This should work Days.daysBetween..

Joda Time: How to get dates of weekdays on some date interval?


contains. Easiest way to do it java datetime date jodatime share improve this question Solution lazily step by one..

Why dec 31 2010 returns 1 as week of year?


Prints 1 Same happens with Joda time. java calendar jodatime week number share improve this question The definition of..

Time dependent unit tests


so that I can reliably test the function java junit jodatime mockito share improve this question Joda time supports setting..

Should I use Java date and time classes or go with a 3rd party library like Joda Time?


I've never really compared them myself. java date time jodatime share improve this question Max asked for the pros and cons..

Mockito: How to mock an interface of JodaTime


about my code. I really want to learn java junit jodatime mockito share improve this question This is a classic case..

Converting a date string to a DateTime object using Joda Time library


to a DateTime object Please Help Thank You. java datetime jodatime share improve this question Use DateTimeFormat DateTimeFormatter..

hibernate 4 and joda-time


be using usertype . See answer below. java hibernate jodatime share improve this question A distinct paucity of documentation..

How to calculate elapsed time from now with Joda-Time?


improve this question To calculate the elapsed time with JodaTime use Period . To format the elapsed time in the desired human..

Converting ISO8601-compliant String to java.util.Date


solution answer Thanks to JuanZe's comment I found the JodaTime magic it is also described here . So the solution is DateTimeFormatter..

Time comparison


but that's not what you want . One option would be use the JodaTime APIs and its LocalTime class. Sticking with just the built in..

Java SimpleDateFormat for time zone with a colon seperator?


mm ss java date iso8601 share improve this question JodaTime 's DateTimeFormat to rescue String dateString 2010 03 01T00..

How to add days to a date in Java


want more flexibility and less verbose code I'd recommend JodaTime though. DateTime dom new DateTime y m d 0 0 0 0 DateTime expire..

Date Comparison using Java [duplicate]


If you're set on using Java Dates rather than say JodaTime use a java.text.DateFormat to convert the string to a Date then..

Java: JPQL date function to add a time period to another date


hand. UPDATE If you always want the next month you can use JodaTime which has a great and easy api. You could then modify your query..

Why were most java.util.Date methods deprecated?


as well so for serious Date Time work everyone recommends JodaTime. In Java 7 there will likely be a replacement API for Calendar..

How do you subtract Dates in Java?


in the upcoming Java 8. Until then you can get away with JodaTime . DateTime dt1 new DateTime 2000 1 1 0 0 0 0 DateTime dt2 new..

getting the difference between date in days in java [duplicate]


expected results when using different times of day. Using JodaTime might be easier for correct results as the only correct way..

Android/Java - Date Difference in days


question Not really a reliable method better of using JodaTime Calendar thatDay Calendar.getInstance thatDay.set Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH..

Mockito: How to mock an interface of JodaTime


How to mock an interface of JodaTime I use JodaTime#DateTime and I need to mock its behavior. Since.. How to mock an interface of JodaTime I use JodaTime#DateTime and I need to mock its behavior. Since it is not possible.. its behavior. Since it is not possible to directly mock JodaTime#DateTime I create an interface of it Clock.java public interface..

How to get the last date of a particular month with JodaTime?


to get the last date of a particular month with JodaTime I need to get the first date as org.joda.time.LocalDate of.. years. Is there a mechanism for this already built in to JodaTime or should I implement it myself java scala jodatime share..

how to get a list of dates between two dates in java


java date share improve this question I suggest to use jodaTime for that List LocalDate dates new ArrayList LocalDate int days..

Mockito: How to mock an interface of JodaTime


that I want to test public class PrintProcessor Clock jodaTime public PrintProcessor jodaTime new JodaTime ... public String.. class PrintProcessor Clock jodaTime public PrintProcessor jodaTime new JodaTime ... public String getPrintJobName Shipper shipper.. shipper String printJobName null Get current EST time if jodaTime.getCurrentDateTimeEST .isBefore jodaTime.getFourPM_EST jodaTime.getCurrentDateTimeEST..

java convert milliseconds to date


GregorianCalendar sdf.format calendar.getTime DateTime jodaTime new DateTime yourmilliseconds DateTimeZone.forTimeZone TimeZone.getTimeZone.. yyyy MM dd HH mm ss SSS System.out.println jodaTime parser1.print jodaTime output GregorianCalendar 2011 11 23 08.. dd HH mm ss SSS System.out.println jodaTime parser1.print jodaTime output GregorianCalendar 2011 11 23 08 55 52 992 jodaTime 2011..