java Programming Glossary: jmethodid
what is wrong with this call to the java method? other global variables static JavaVM javaVM NULL static jmethodID callbackMethod NULL static jobject callbackObject NULL You can..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android package MainActivity Get the method that you want to call jmethodID messageMe env GetMethodID clazz messageMe Ljava lang String.. env FindClass env com inceptix android t3d MainActivity jmethodID messageMe env GetMethodID env clazz messageMe Ljava lang String..
Why do constructors in java not have a return type? [duplicate] JNIEnv env jchar chars jint len jclass stringClass jmethodID cid jcharArray elemArr jstring result stringClass env FindClass..
How do I load my own Java class in C on Android? theSubClass is null so the next line causes a segfault. jmethodID theSubClassConstructor env GetMethodID env theSubClass init..
Embed Java into a C++ application? method using the JNI jclass cls env FindClass Main jmethodID mid env GetStaticMethodID cls test I V env CallStaticVoidMethod..
Can C++ call Java code? it void invoke_class JNIEnv env jclass helloWorldClass jmethodID mainMethod jobjectArray applicationArgs jstring applicationArg0..
JNI Calls different in C vs C++? env jobject obj jclass cls env GetObjectClass env obj jmethodID mid env GetMethodID env cls callback V if mid NULL return method..
How to access the Java method in a C++ application java lang String Get the method that you want to call jmethodID to_lower env GetMethodID clazz toLowerCase Ljava lang String..