java Programming Glossary: itemlabel
Best way to add a “nothing selected” option to a selectOneMenu in JSF converter # usertypeConverter f selectItem itemLabel noSelectionOption true f selectItems value myBean.usertypes..
JSF and type safety f selectItems value # q16433250Bean.allRoles var role itemLabel # h selectManyCheckbox br Many with plain converter.. f selectItems value # q16433250Bean.allRoles2 var role itemLabel # h selectManyCheckbox br Without any converter will.. f selectItems value # q16433250Bean.allRoles var role itemLabel # h selectManyCheckbox br Without any converter array..
How to use Ajax JQuery in Spring Web MVC Select form options items domainsList itemValue domain itemLabel domain form select form form Now my requirement is that on the..
How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields value # df.option rendered # df.type 'RADIO' f selectItem itemLabel # messages 'yes' itemValue # true f selectItem itemLabel #.. itemLabel # messages 'yes' itemValue # true f selectItem itemLabel # messages 'no' itemValue # false h selectOneRadio h selectOneMenu.. # df.option rendered # df.type 'SELECTONE' f selectItem itemLabel # messages 'yes' itemValue # true f selectItem itemLabel #..
JSF Validation Error While Using Custom Converter value # status.allStatuses var s itemValue # itemLabel # h selectOneMenu h message for citation_status Lastly..
JSF: Best way to Enum internationalization (i18n) bean.orderStatuses var orderStatus itemValue # orderStatus itemLabel # msg h selectOneMenu That's all. Unrelated..
JSF 2.0 set locale throughout session from browser and programmatically onchange submit f selectItem itemValue en itemLabel English f selectItem itemValue nl itemLabel Nederlands f selectItem.. itemValue en itemLabel English f selectItem itemValue nl itemLabel Nederlands f selectItem itemValue es itemLabel EspaƱol h selectOneMenu.. nl itemLabel Nederlands f selectItem itemValue es itemLabel EspaƱol h selectOneMenu h form To improve SEO of your internationalized..
How to prepopulate a <h:selectOneMenu> from a DB? variable which you in turn can use in itemValue and or itemLabel attribtues if you omit the itemLabel then the label becomes.. in itemValue and or itemLabel attribtues if you omit the itemLabel then the label becomes the same as the value . Example #1 h.. value # bean.users var user itemValue # itemLabel # h selectOneMenu with private Long userId private..