java Programming Glossary: iteration
Efficient equivalent for removing elements while iterating the Collection is the only safe way to modify a collection during iteration the behavior is unspecified if the underlying collection is.. collection is modified in any other way while the iteration is in progress. is from http javase tutorial..
Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integer or so. Use a loop if you want. The idea is that at each iteration you add one bit onto r the current square root of x each square.. in three ways precomputed start value equivalent to ~10 iterations of the loop earlier exit of the loop and skipping some t values...
Creating random numbers with no duplicates you wanted 3 values in the range 0..9. On the first iteration you'd generate any number in the range 0..9 let's say you generate.. the range 0..9 let's say you generate a 4. On the second iteration you'd then generate a number in the range 0..8. If the generated.. of 0..9 without 4. Suppose we get 7 that way. On the third iteration you'd generate a number in the range 0..7. If the generated..
Differences between HashMap and Hashtable? LinkedHashMap so in the event that you'd want predictable iteration order which is insertion order by default you could easily swap..
Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main? catch Exception e int iterations int MP M1Start M2Start Create all components progressFrame.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE progressBar new JProgressBar 0 iterations Add components to pane pane.add progressBar Position controls.. 0 i progressBar.setValue i progressBar.repaint if i iterations progressFrame.dispose end while if there's a value for current..
How do I iterate over each Entry in a Map? map implementation that I have for the interface java map iteration share improve this question for Map.Entry String String entry..
How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java? to think about. Example Should the benchmark measure time iteration or iterations time and why Related Is stopwatch benchmarking.. Example Should the benchmark measure time iteration or iterations time and why Related Is stopwatch benchmarking acceptable .. and compilations before timing phase s . Fewer iterations is OK on the warmup phase. The rule of thumb is several tens..
Android download binary file problems 1024 bytes possibly including bytes from the previous loop iteration. Correct with while len1 buffer 0 f.write buffer 0 len1..
refreshing background color for a row in jtable listener i color the table properly just at the first iteration and after never changes the background. deployTable.resetColor..
rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java #0.0 double k double blueWidth double numTicks double iteration 0 for int h 0 h numTicks h int xval int h k g.setColor xStrHeight 2 draw tick marks g.drawString formatter.format iteration leftStartPlotWindow xval fontMetrics.stringWidth Double.toString.. xval fontMetrics.stringWidth Double.toString iteration 2 blueBottom xStrHeight 2 13 iteration increment draw tick..
Does the JVM prevent tail call optimizations? share improve this question This post Recursion or Iteration might help. In short tail call optimization is hard to do in..
java get file size efficiently URL is the fastest way I can think of LENGTH sum 10626 per Iteration 10626.0 CHANNEL sum 5535 per Iteration 5535.0 URL sum 660 per.. sum 10626 per Iteration 10626.0 CHANNEL sum 5535 per Iteration 5535.0 URL sum 660 per Iteration 660.0 For runs 5 and iterations.. CHANNEL sum 5535 per Iteration 5535.0 URL sum 660 per Iteration 660.0 For runs 5 and iterations 50 the picture draws different...
Explain synchronization of collections when iterators are used? synchronization share improve this question Iteration over collections in Java is not thread safe even if you are..
How can I Monitor External files in Java Based on length of ListOfFileNames dir filetype For every Iteration file will be overwrite in ExeFolder folder. For this I wrote.. Step 4 once .exe process was done then only next Iteration will be start. That means we need to monitor .exe process whether.. first iteration process was done then it allows next Iteration.In second Iteration again .exe will be just like..
Iteration order of HashSet order of HashSet If every object added to a java.util.HashSet..
Performance considerations for keySet() and entrySet() of Map I suggest you have a look at LinkedHashMap . From the docs Iteration over the collection views of a LinkedHashMap requires time proportional.. to the size of the map regardless of its capacity. Iteration over a HashMap is likely to be more expensive requiring time..
Removing an element from an Array (Java) [duplicate] deleteMe is null. Choices I made here I used a LinkedList. Iteration should be just as fast and you avoid any resizes or allocating..
Application vulnerability due to Non Random Hash Functions same hashcode just by starting with these 2 strings. First Iteration AAAA AABb BbAA BbBb have the same hash code Now we have 4 strings..