

java Programming Glossary: inherit

Abstract class vs Interface in Java


own class hierarchy independently. In Java a class can inherit from only one base class. When to Use Both You can offer the..

Java Constructor Inheritance


I was wondering why in java constructors are not inherited You know when you have a class like this public class Super.. serviceC this.serviceA serviceA etc Later when you inherit from Super java will complain that there is no default constructor.. the question again Why java doesn't support constructor inheritance Is there any benefit in not allowing this inheritance java..

At runtime, find all classes in a Java application that extend a base class


in my Animal class finds and instantiates all classes that inherit from Animal without any further configuration coding. If I have.. it seems this is fairly trivial in C#. java reflection inheritance share improve this question The Java way to do what..

JAX-WS - Map Exceptions to faults


services then is there a better way Should my exceptions inherit from RuntimeException and rely on the transport for the error..

Java Arrays.equals() returns false for two dimensional arrays


2 .equals new int 1 2 prints false This is because arrays inherit their equals from their common superclass Object . Often we.. as an Object and just call its toString method. Arrays inherit its toString from their common superclass Object . If you want..

Implemeting 2 interfaces in a class with same method.Which interface method is overridden?


will be a compilation error. This is the general rule of inheritance method overriding hiding and declarations and applies also.. and applies also to possible conflicts not only between 2 inherited interface methods but also an interface and a super class.. Incompatibility example Here's an example where the two inherited methods are NOT @Override equivalent public class InterfaceTest..

How do I set environment variables from Java?


the current process's environment and let the subprocesses inherit it. There's a System.getenv String for getting a single environment..

Does subclasses inherit private fields?


subclasses inherit private fields This is an interview question. Does subclasses.. fields This is an interview question. Does subclasses inherit private fields I answered No because we can't access them using.. using normal OOP way . But interviewer thinks that their inherits because we can access such fields indirectly or using reflection..

Conveniently map between enum and int / String


Displaying Currency in Indian Numbering Format


mechanisms in Java are based on that class and therefore inherit this flaw. ICU4J the Java version of the International Components..

Polymorphism with gson [closed]


so naturally i have polymorphism and start stop command inherit from command. how can i deserialize it back to the correct command..

How to create a modular JSF 2.0 application?


the API and implementation separate and the modules only inherit from the API to avoid tight coupling and the application only..

Java 7 language features with Android


and traditional interfaces like Closeable does inherit from AutoCloseable SafeVarargs is really missing though . We..

Why is java.util.Observable not an abstract class?


it must be determined upfront as Java allows only single inheritance. But that doesn't really explain it to me. In fact if Observable.. is done to allow the user to use composition instead of inheritance which is very convenient if your class already inherits.. inheritance which is very convenient if your class already inherits from another class and you cannot inherit from Observable class..

Why isn't there a java.lang.Array class? If a java array is an Object, shouldn't it extend Object?


charArr new char int intArr new int and the arrays will inherit methods from Object for example byte thisByte 1 byte thatByte.. thatByte 2 byte theseBytes new byte thisByte thatByte int inheritance theseBytes.length inherited 'length' field and some methods.. byte thisByte thatByte int inheritance theseBytes.length inherited 'length' field and some methods int wasntInWill thatByte.length..