java Programming Glossary: inflater
Option menu default gray border removal onCreateOptionsMenu android.view.Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate menu getLayoutInflater.. menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate menu getLayoutInflater .setFactory..
Fragment add or replace not working Fragment @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState Inflate the layout.. Inflate the layout for this fragment return inflater.inflate R.layout.blue_pill_frag container false Here package..
Reusing views in Android Listview with 2 different layouts null You can move this line into your constructor the inflater service won't change. mInflater LayoutInflater mContext.getSystemService..
Android ListView headers public int getViewType public View getView LayoutInflater inflater View convertView Then we have an adapter that takes a list of.. private final String name public Header LayoutInflater inflater String name name @Override public int getViewType.. @Override public View getView LayoutInflater inflater View convertView View view if convertView null view View inflater.inflate..
Different text for each image in image viewpager View collection int position LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater collection.getContext .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.. Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE View layout inflater.inflate R.layout.custom_pager null ImageView im ImageView layout.findViewById.. LinearLayout java android android viewpager layout inflater share improve this question You could pass an array of Strings..
Android - Writing a custom (compound) component attributeSet super context attributeSet LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater context.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.. context.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE inflater.inflate R.layout.my_layout this This works except for the fact..
Android color picker to be included in the activity setUp color private void setUp int color LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater getContext .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.. Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE View layout inflater.inflate R.layout.dialog_color_picker null layout.setBackgroundColor..
customised listview using arrayadapter class in android View rowView convertView if rowView null LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater context .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.. .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE rowView inflater.inflate R.layout.category_row parent false TextView textView..
Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0? text Test Pop Up LinearLayout Java code LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater this.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.. PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup_example null false 100 100 true The code..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function ImageHolder holder null if row null LayoutInflater inflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater row inflater.inflate layoutResourceId.. inflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater row inflater.inflate layoutResourceId parent false holder new ImageHolder..
Android: compass + distance in a listview convertView null myView new LinearLayout getContext String inflater Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE LayoutInflater vi LayoutInflater.. vi LayoutInflater getContext .getSystemService inflater vi.inflate resource myView true else trainView LinearLayout..
Custom Progress Bar in Android? set of images private void prepareLayout LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater context .getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE.. Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE View view inflater.inflate R.layout.myprogressbar null addView view imageHolders..
What's a good compression library for Java? share improve this question You can use Deflater Inflater which is built into the JDK. There are also GZIPInputStream..
How to verify a jar signed with jarsigner programmatically is there a simple way to do this I've had a play with the Inflater and Jar InputStreams with no luck. Or is this something that..
Java RMI + SSL + Compression = IMPOSSIBLE! package. There is the pair DeflaterOutputStream InflaterInputStream which implement the deflate compression algorithm.. another stream filtering the data through a Deflater or Inflater respectively. Deflater and Inflater are based on native methods.. through a Deflater or Inflater respectively. Deflater and Inflater are based on native methods calling the common zlib library...
Handling HTTP ContentEncoding “deflate” For a Content Encoding of deflate I have tried using InflaterInputStream and DeflaterInputStream but I get unknown compression method at 147 My understanding.. method at 147 My understanding is that deflate encoding..