java Programming Glossary: hz
Conversion of Audio Format is recorded in the following format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz 16 bit mono 2 bytes frame I want to convert the above format.. frame I want to convert the above format to ULAW 8000.0 Hz 8 bit mono 1 bytes frame I am using the following code InputStream.. Unsupported conversion ULAW 8000.0 Hz 8 bit mono 1 bytes frame from PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz 16 bit mono..
Lightweight Java IDE [closed] Java IDE closed I've bought a Compaq Mini 733 1.6G Hz Atom CPU 1GB RAM 4200 RPM HDD XP Home primarily for my girlfriend..
Swing animation running extremely slow grid. A javax.swing.Timer drives the animation at 5 Hz. The model and view are tightly coupled in CabPanel but the..
Freetts problem in Java voices. LINE UNAVAILABLE Format is pcm_signed 16000.0 Hz 16 bits 1 channel big endian import javax.speech. import javax.speech.synthesis...
Keyboard input for a game in Java KeyEventDispatcher private final int MAX_REPEAT_RATE 100 Hz private final LocalGame game private final GamingContext context..
LineUnavailableException for playing mp3 with java line with format MPEG1L3 48000.0 Hz unknown bits per sample stereo unknown frame size 41.666668..
Trouble playing wav in Java wav in Java I'm trying to play a PCM_UNSIGNED 11025.0 Hz 8 bit mono 1 bytes frame file as described here 1 and here 2..
Efficiently color cycling an image in Java final int WIDE 256 private static final int PERIOD 40 ~25 Hz private final Queue IndexColorModel models new LinkedList IndexColorModel..
How to get frequency from fft result? on the bottom string 5th fret of my guitar at roughly 440Hz . java android fft pcm share improve this question The.. of the peak as follows freq i Fs N where freq frequency in Hz i index of peak Fs sample rate e.g. 44100 Hz or whatever you.. frequency in Hz i index of peak Fs sample rate e.g. 44100 Hz or whatever you are using N size of FFT e.g. 1024 in your case..
Java raw audio output decimalFormat.format freq decimalFormat.format freq 2f Hz else frequency.setText decimalFormat.format freq Hz Generate.. 2f Hz else frequency.setText decimalFormat.format freq Hz Generate the tone and inform the user of settings. public void..